Vilma Fleming



1 year, 3 months ago


Vilma Fleming - ??? - They/Them - The Fool


While Vilma does not have much recollection over their past, they've had a perpetual desire to wander.  Dressed up in armour they one day just appeared within the water dry and calm.  They've been around for a long time, not interacting or intervening but simply watching.  Stumbling upon Helix Fluoresce, an odd character they were strong-armed to stay put and tell stories of their journey.


They've never had personal desires except to simply walk.  They're trying to find themselves and who they are, however it seems they have a sense of humour at least.  Has a habit of staring into space for a long time - it's hard to snap them out of it. 


The scars on their body tell a story of their past, usually done while they're zoned out though.  Their left eye was badly injured and they can't see out of it, so they feel no reason to use an eyepatch.  Whenever light is shined of them they seem to almost glow as the light finds its way around their skin.  Their sword changes shape often, sometimes shedding parts resulting in an almost Lapis Lazuli kind of stone (except cyan and glows), however it will rebuild itself out of it's surroundings.  The armour is known to almost sparkle at times.