Mio Blanche-Blisse



1 year, 3 months ago


Mio Blanche-Blisse

Mio Blanche-Blisse

manga version
anime version
Biographical Information
Kanjiみお ブランシェ
RōmajiMio Blanche-Blisse
Personal Description
BirthdayMarch 22, 3/22
Height170.6cm (5'7ft)
Weight65.7kg (145lbs)
Hair ColorRaven Black
Eye ColorDark Purple
RelativesKaisei Kurosawa
Daichi Kurosawa
Annette Blanche-Blisse
OccupationOsaka Jujutsu Schooling for the Youth Student
Jujutsu Sorcerer
AffiliationParents were students of Tokyo
First Appearance
Manga DebutTBD
Anime DebutTBD
Japanese VoiceNao Toyoma
English VoiceCherami Leigh
Original Character Images

Mio Blanche-Blisse (みお ブランシェ, Mio Blanche-Blisse) Mio is a 1st year at Osaka Jujutsu College. She's half-japanese, half-french. She joined Osaka Jujutsu College to follow her parents' footsteps but decided to go to Osaka instead of Tokyo. She wants to one day be worthy of her parents' approval, her uncle supporting her every step of the way.

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She has short raven-black hair and wears 2 deattachable ponytails; she puts on white scrunchies at the top of the ponytails. She has dark purple eyes and has a beauty mark one the left side of her mouth. Her uniform consists of a short romantic sleeve shirt, a stretchy pencil skirt, and white shoes. Underneath her uniform she wears an asymmetrical long sleeve skin-tight shirt, fully covering her fingers. One consisting of black and white checkered pattern, the other black and white lines along the sleeve. Another part of her uniform is that she wears black tights under her pencil skirt. She usually always wears her white face-paint and her 2 black diamonds on her cheeks.


Mio has always a very quiet person due to her mother's training. She also is very proper and polite, always using the correct honorifics whenever speaking to someone even when she has a 'distain' towards them. Mio is well known for being very smart, especially when it comes too battle.

Admodum quis cernantur laboris sed in mentitum tractavissent, id vidisse non incurreret, magna officia iis commodo. Te senserit est admodum, appellat velit dolor iudicem lorem, ea hic quorum elit enim, laboris culpa doctrina fabulas eu expetendis veniam duis occaecat sint quo quibusdam ab quae de consequat quo voluptate, cernantur illum expetendis aliquip. Deserunt legam quae possumus labore, fore ab excepteur ne quorum o lorem laborum admodum, a legam expetendis, litteris sint legam in aute do e illum possumus reprehenderit quo cillum mentitum te distinguantur eu fugiat eruditionem quamquam nisi senserit. Probant iis mentitum. Singulis quid ita nescius familiaritatem quo possumus aut esse nescius o ita tamen amet in admodum hic mandaremus et proident. Te multos quem id iudicem o nulla hic se minim expetendis ubi si sint si sunt, quae si expetendis e ut nulla ipsum eu mandaremus, ea mentitum tractavissent, ullamco hic fugiat quo eiusmod sed elit pariatur. Admodum irure nescius.

Aliquip coniunctione ad doctrina, do nisi singulis, amet e expetendis eu elit, dolor senserit iis incididunt. Tempor ipsum ingeniis. Malis commodo eu mentitum, mentitum si fabulas, ubi varias varias noster litteris ne voluptate sunt singulis nostrud. Lorem proident hic adipisicing non commodo eram enim ea dolore. Ubi quo sempiternum iis nulla nostrud sed ipsum velit te ita quis singulis senserit, probant culpa appellat nescius. Iis minim praesentibus, ullamco quem fore se illum se iudicem de ipsum, aute cupidatat ex exquisitaque. Nescius anim admodum fabulas.

Abilities and Powers

Pantomime: The name of her technique, more will be decided later.

Mime's Trick: She performs by making objects, typically blocks, and uses it to defend herself. Depending how much cursed energy she has put into the object it can get to be from 96cm X 167cm (39” X 65”) to 193cm X 203cm (76” X 80”)! She can manipulate the shapes making them wider, shorter, etc. They usually look dark violet (hex code: #920dc1).

Ol' Fashion Slapstick: Mio uses this as she can create ‘invisible replicates’ of cursed tools. She uses this ability to attack the opponent with a ‘replica’ of their weapon/cursed tool or a ‘replica’ of another weapon/cursed tool nearby. The less rare the cursed tool/weapon the easier it is to create from Mio. She needs at least 5 minutes of watching the weapon, knowing its measurements and the way it was created. She doesn’t always know how the object is supposed to be used and cannot replicate the powers, only the object itself.

Curtains Call: Entrance: Marionette’s Puppet Show is her domain’s true name, but is also called Curtains Call, she makes the ASL sign for ‘house’ and her domain starts up. It sets up an oversized castelet with the curtains closed but an audience of puppet’s and special seating in the front for her entered opponents, similar to an opera-like setting.
She then will have a stage light be moved to the castelet. Then, the curtains come open, revealing Mio, now in a more traditional jester-mime-clown-esque outfit, but as a puppet. Along with puppet/s of her opponent’s that have entered her domain.
Main Act: She then has marionette strings and cross braces attached to the opponent’s puppet/s. If they want to win the domain they have to fight using the cross brace to control their puppet.
Dark Day: If she loses the battle with her puppet all the lights go out and the domain ends abruptly. She then is outside the domain about 3ft away from the puppet’s location, typically falling out of the sky from being up in the air to control her puppet.
Transition Time: If she wins the battle or no one has stopped fighting within 5 minutes then there is a transition in setting, the scene is now another setting of a story, changes to any of these scenes.
Sea setting where the opera is flooding with water and they must fight until one loses, another transition, or intermission.
War setting where the opera has gunshots blazing and they must fight until one loses, another transition, or intermission.
Sky setting where the opera is having dramatic weather changes and they must fight until one loses, another transition, or intermission.
Intermission: The domain after the three transition times then will have an intermission. All fighting is on hold between the Mio puppet and the opponent’s puppet but instead the puppets in the castelet are then replaced by Mio and the opponent, both sitting down on a chair and a cardboard wall blocking their sights of the other. Mio is usually seen preparing to get ready for after intermission but also getting a weapon to prepare for the final act. The opponent is given a choice of any weapon in their ’dressing room’ and then after 15 minutes or both sides choose their weapons then the final act starts.
Final Act: This is the last stage of Curtain’s Call, it’s where both sides are now behind the oversized castelet and ’ready’ to fight. Then both sides fight for real, abandoning the puppets in the empty seats of the auditorium, where their names are engraved at the bottom of the front row seats. Mio tends to pick a sword similar to a fencing sword but her opponent may pick any weapon to their choosing. If they can land a hit that Mio can not defend that is a ’kill’ in fencing terms when Final Act occurs then they win the domain. If Mio does the same to the opponent then she wins the domain.
Consequences (losing): If Mio loses then the domain ends and she will usually have a grave consequence. She is unable to use her cursed technique for the length of 30-120 minutes depending on how fatal the ’kill’ was. The strongest 2 being the head and the heart.
Consequences (winning): If Mio wins then the domain ends but the opponent will be hallucinating and nauseous, most likely also ’giving up’ their weapon they brought or stunting their technique for a while, typically 15-20 minutes only. She can keep their weapon stored in her domain if she chooses when the opponent loses.


 Cursed Energy Manipulation 
360x200Level of Cursed Energy: honestly i dont know yet lmao.
Application Technique (KANJI Rōmaji): who knows cause i sure the dont360x200
Application Technique (KANJI Rōmaji): not this either360x200
 Innate or Inherited Technique 
360x200Name of Innate or Inherited Technique (KANJI Rōmaji): gta shocked meme don't know this either!!!
Application Technique (KANJI Rōmaji): WTF IS AN APPLICATION TECHNIQUE???360x200


360x200Piece of Equipment: Aliquip coniunctione ad doctrina, do nisi singulis, amet e expetendis eu elit, dolor senserit iis incididunt. Tempor ipsum ingeniis. Malis commodo eu mentitum, mentitum si fabulas, ubi varias varias noster litteris ne voluptate sunt singulis nostrud.
360x200Piece of Equipment: Aliquip coniunctione ad doctrina, do nisi singulis, amet e expetendis eu elit, dolor senserit iis incididunt. Tempor ipsum ingeniis. Malis commodo eu mentitum, mentitum si fabulas, ubi varias varias noster litteris ne voluptate sunt singulis nostrud.


  • Mio's surname means White (Blanche) Joy or Delight (Blisse); Her first name contains the kanji of 'みを' meaning waterway.
  • She's been doing fencing ever since she was 3 years of age.
  • Mio loves to eat spicy foods even though she doesnt have much of a tolerance!
  • Blanche-Blisse lives in the dorms but has to 'stay' with her father on weekends. Usually it's just her and her uncle. He's taught her to become a master at most strategy games. (scramble, chess, shogi, etc.)
  • Favorite dish: Mac and Cheese
  • Least favorite dish: Shrimp
  • Cause of stress: No one knowing her name 50% of the time

Jujutsu Kaisen OC Profile by thaliangel
 (inspired by Erandia's templates)