


6 years, 2 months ago


Gender Female

Birthdate April 1, 2017

Subspecies Normal Evoloon, Gen 1

Personality Cold, calculating, slightly selfish, agressive.

Bioio  She and Balti hatched the same day and close to eachother, so they joined up and worked together. All was well, and they did everything for themselves, not exactly caring what happened to the others. One day, they found two new eggs on their route to a new territory. They took both eggs and continued on, but a few days later the eggs hatched into the brothers Wisp and Abol. Balti wanted to raise them as their own, but Skarva wanted to remain as her feee, unresponsible self. She remained with the group however, to protect and visit often, as she believed these small loons were defenseless. A few months went by like this, and the little pack found yet another egg, this one hatching and revealing Chiwa, a small girl. Skarva grew more distant while Balti cared for the loonlings, she'd take long excursions away from the others. She left for a mo the or two, and when she came back, the others had gone on without her. She claimed a large chunk of territory filled with jungles and caves as her home base, and continued her travelling.