🕊️ Elisabetta (ship info)



This page contains major spoilers for 'Pentiment' by Obsidian.

"Love is the only reason to do anything in this life."

Image Credit: Clorica

  • AGE Varies
  • PRONOUNS She / Her

A noblewoman of Lansfeldt in Northern Bavaria, born in Ethiopia and raised by an Italian family. She is a rather well known poetess, but otherwise is fairly reclusive. She was Andreas' first client after he became a master artist.

  • AGE Varies
  • PRONOUNS He / They

The youngest son of a family of artists living near Nuremberg. After dropping out of college, he decided to follow in the family foot steps, though the journey was more difficult than he'd expected.

Scarborough Faire

Claudine Longet



In the year 1518, an artist and poetess meet, and make an intense connection with one another. He has been commissioned to create a portrait of the lady, but he finds himself drawn in by her beauty. And the lady finds herself drawn to his unique perspectives, his charming personality. But the artist had to wed to become recognized as a master, just as the lady had to wed if she wished to get closer to Bavaria's printers guild or its circle of authors & poets. Despite their instant connection, it is not until 25 years later that they are able to act on their desires, and by then their shared grief complicates things further. But their story does not end unhappily; grief, while painful, brings people closer together.



  • Andreas is a bit of a hedonist. He enjoys fun, socializing, and seeks pleasure wherever he goes. This contrasts with Elsebe's more reserved, closed off personality. He is able to convince her to come out of her shell, at times, but she is also capable of drawing him back.
  • Both are interested in things that may be considered "occult" knowledge, information that must be kept hidden from the Bavarian church. They are able to speak openly about these topics with one another, though.
  • Andreas enjoys being in the outdoors, the open air, and often spends his time simply enjoying nature. Elsebe doesn't necessarily dislike this, but it isn't the first thing that comes to mind when she thinks of a "good time." And yet he makes a point of introducing unique plant and animal life to his lady. Nature is good for poetry, after all.
  • While Elisabetta's education has afforded her more mobility than other women of her station, she still feels the pressures to conform. Andreas reminds her to stick true to her ideals, despite what others may think.
  • Elisabetta's reclusive nature makes socializing a bit difficult for her. Even while amongst other artists, she at times finds herself stumbling over her words. She does much better in writing. Andreas is well aware of this, and for a time kept up a letter exchange with Elisabetta. These letters only stopped after his "death."
  • Elisabetta and Andreas are able to connect through their shared grief, and learn more about themselves and one another.

"Are you going to scarborough faire...?"

  • "Artists tend to be interesting people, and Master Maler is no exception. His tales of adventure within France are of particular interest... though I must admit some of his tales are particularly bawdy. Definetly not to be repeated in pleasant company!"
  • "Despite traveling as extensively as he did, he's told me most of his period within Tassing, Kiersau. While he was there, a baron by name of Lorenz Von Roth... Roth something was killed, and Andreas was taked with finding the killer!"
  • "...He used to speak of this story openly, but lately I've noticed a sadness in his eyes when the topic is brought up. It must have been a heavy task, deciding someone's fate like that."
  • "Still, I do wish he'd grace me with other stories, too. Being more well traveled than I, Master Maler has had access to literature I've never once heard of before. It astounds me how much here is to read in this world!"
  • "...Eckart seems to dislike my friendship with Master Maler. He blames his present illness on the demons I've supposedly brought into the home, talking to Andreas as openly as I do. But I think that is silly."
  • "It is so sinful of me to appreciate the company of another artist? Though I have friends here in Lansfeldt, I do still feel rather... lonely, at times."

"Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme..."

  • "My father, Josef, and her father, Ansaldo, met while at the University of Erfurt. They remained in close contact ever since. My father had reached out to Elsebe and her husband after my marriage, in the hopes they were looking for an artist to hire."
  • "...Putting it like that makes me sound a bit helpless, doesn't it? Like I can't find clients on my own. But I am not angry with my father for doing such a thing. If he hadn't, I likely would have never met the Lady Elisabetta."
  • "Elisabetta and her husband, Erkart, were perfect clients. Perhaps it is unprofessional of me to compare anyone who comes after to them, but I do."
  • "Being invited to dine amongst some of Bavaria's brightest minds, famed artists, wonderful writers and poets... it was some of the happiest days of my life. And I, being a newcomer, was often a topic of conversation. They always talk about how I solved a murder! ...Though, I think solved may be too generous."
  • "Elsebe- that is, Elisabetta- she always stood out to me. A quiet but stubborn woman who would always hold her ground. She spoke to me about things not often spoken about- pagan gods, necromancy, history, lutherism. The memories of some of our conversations are what get me through difficult times, now."


TWs: spousal death, illness, suicide, fire.

  • Josef, the father of Andreas, and Ansalo, the adoptive father of Elsebe, met one another as university students attending Erfurt. Despite having very different career paths, Josef as an artist and Ansalo as an architect, the two became rather close, and remained in contact even after graduating. Despite their friendship, both were busy men, and quickly became fathers after finishing their studies. Josef had no time to visit Ansalo in Italy, and Ansalo had no time to visit Josef in Germany.
  • Andreas is Josef's youngest son. He too studies at the University of Erfurt, but dropped out before he could recieve a degree. Andreas then began to follow in the family trade, though it was somewhat at the pressure of Josef, who only intended to give him one other chance to make something of himself.
  • Andreas studied art in France for a time. After finishing his wanderjahr within the abbey of Kiersau, Andreas returned to Nuremberg so he could be married and become an officially recognized master artist. While he felt many uncertainties at being wed, it was required by law, and thus began an emotionally distant relationship with his wife, Sabine.
  • Josef had told Ansalo and his family about Andreas' new status as a master, and his marriage. This included Ansalo's son in law, Eckart. As a gesture of good faith and kindness, Eckart reached out to Andreas with a request. He asked Andreas to paint a portrait of his wife, Elisabetta, the daughter of Ansalo. While Eckart and Elsebe had a cordial relationship, and she loved him as a wife should, she could not say that she was ever truly close to him.
  • Despite their families being long time friends, Elisabetta and Andreas had never met before. They very quickly form a connection with one another. A poetess and an artist, they found much common crowd, especially in discussing things thata re better said behind closed doors; their agreeance with the ideas of Martin Luther, their shared interest in the occult... this friendship eventually grew more and more intense.
  • Elisabetta liked that Andreas is a bit "improper." That he enjoys wine and pleasure. When they first meet he is trying to grow out of his formerly hedonistic ways, but he can't help passing her a wink, or his lips lingering on her hand when he greets her.
  • However, Elisabetta is aware of the dangers pursuing such feelings could come with. And so despite their mutual feelings, their encounters are kept brief and chaste. Eckart, the husband of Elsebe, was growing suspicious of their closeness as well. She didn't know what to say to him. While it was true that nothing physically had happened between them, she could not deny her own feelings.
  • Despite it, their connection as friends and like-minded individuals is still important to both. Even when Andreas returns to Nuremberg from Lansfeldt, they keep in contact with one another. For the next 7 years, the two exchange letters with one another. But 4 or so years into their exchange, Andreas' letters slowed. Something had happened, but he could not say what. And yet Elsebe could see the sadness in his words, how his letters could come occassionally smudged by tears. Elsebe's replies slowed as well. Eckart had fallen ill, and she had to care for him.
  • In the 7th year, Elisabetta wrote to Andreas that she and Eckart are finally trying for a child of their own; after he recovered, Eckart became very aware of his own mortality, and wanted to make sure he left something in the world. Andreas never responded. In fact, Andreas never recieved the letter. He'd returned to Tassing in the territory of Kiersau, and never came back. Elisabetta learned from a letter, penned by Andreas' wife, Sabine, that Andreas had perished in a fire following a peasant uprising. Elsebe was heartbroken.
  • Her relationship had returned to being just her and Eckart. But things were never quite the same; there was an emptiness, now. Elsebe and her husband continued to try for a child, but it seemed none of their attempts bore fruit. Eckart became increasingly restless. It seemed nothing Elsebe said, or did, could calm him.
  • Elisabetta no longer remembers the year it happened, or the exact day. Everything seemed to blur together that month. She only remembered a mutual friend of Eckart and herself coming with the news. He had died- not only that, he'd taken his own life. Elsebe sat blankly through the funeral, through the service and platitudes. His family and inner circle knew the truth of his circumstances, but those outside where told he relapsed in his illness. He suddenly fell sick again. It was easier to explain, that way. At times, Elsebe wanted to believe it herself.
  • Elsebe became withdrawn and closed off, even moreso than she already was. Her wardrobe became almost entirely black; she wore a dark veil over her face as a symbol of mourning, and to let others know that she was widowed, and at the time did not wish to remarry. Eckart had left her his estate, but his printing shop had to be managed by those who knew it better. And so she felt alone, and purposeless in the world. Her writing ceased.
  • Some years later, Elsebe unexpectedly recieved a letter. To her shock, it was from Andreas Maler himself. He had survived the fire of the Kiersau Abbey, and had taken ownership of the printing press of a good friend who had passed in the previous year. He knew Elsebe would know at least some of the ins and outs of printing, being that her late husband had made it his career, and since his friend's daughter had left for Prague, Andreas reached out to Elsebe for help.
  • At first Elsebe was furious to recieve this letter, angered that he'd been alive this entire time but had refused to reach out. But at the same time, she was so very, very happy, that at least one person she cared deeply for was still around. In the middle of June 1544, Elisabetta Dmitrou traveled to Tassing, where she reuinited with Andreas.


  • Elsebe's favourite colour is green; verdant freshness, moss, the rushing of lake water, the scent of dewy grass in the morning. Andreas' favourite colour is red; passion, intensity, vibrance, autumn leaves.
  • Andreas knows italian, a little greek and french, and studied latin while at university. His command over language would be attractive to Elsebe... if he didn't use this skill primarily for being a little bit petty.
  • Elsebe is a nickname reserved only for close friends. Andeas is able to use it, and so he uses it as often as he can. Elisabetta loves hearing it from his lips, too.

Code by Aurorean