Warg, son of Ulv



6 years, 2 months ago


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Name: Warg, son of Ulv
Nickname: Because his father was a renowned warrior and raider, others began calling him Ulvson, which he almost hates as much as he hates his father. People have also had a tendency to use his given name to come up with nicknames for him, either to tease or to mock him. He's been called puppy or pup and dog enough times that he couldn't count the instances on his fingers even if his life depended on it. Calling Warg these things are a sure way to get on his nerves.
Age: 23 y/o
Birthday: Jul 29th
Zodiac: ♌ - Leo
Species: Human
Gender identity: Cis male
Pronouns: He, him, his
Sexuality: Bisexual
Languages spoken: Old Norse
Occupation: Warrior, raider, hunter, skáld, traveller
Significant other: The relationship Warg has with a certain blacksmith isn't exactly defined, but claiming that a bond between them isn't there is impossible.
Family: Ulv, Warg's father, was a respected warrior and raider and was famous amongst the people at the settlement where they lived. He was respected by many, even by the Jarl, for his combat skills and battle tactics. Although strong and capable of getting out alive from fierce battles, Ulv eventually met his fate. A spear through his gut was what rendered him fallen. When the remaining warriors returned home and told the story to Warg and his mother, Liv, they said Ulv left the bounds of Midgard to join the Allfather with a smile on his face. Even though the relationship between Warg's parents were problematic to say the least, with Ulv abusing his mother both physically and mentally, Liv still took Ulv's death hard. She cried for days until her sorrow eventually rendered her apathetic, much to Warg's frustration. He couldn't understand how his mother could mourn such a man who abused them both to no end. Liv gradually stopped eating and became weaker as the weeks passed. Warg took care of her best he could, tried to make her eat and drink. His efforts were to no use when Liv became so weak she developed a fever that would take her away in her sleep. The day before she passed she said to Warg, smiling, that she would soon join his father in Valhalla.

• He's 5´11" tall (180 cm).
• He doesn't appear as broad as most men his age or with his occupation, but still has a fair build and some defined musculation. His body build is more adapted for being agile rather than relying on strength and brute force.
• His skin is pale and it bruises easily.
• His hair is a very pale blonde color that he's kept long for a good couple of years. It's also kind of wavy to some degree and he keeps the right side of his head clean shaven. He varies how he keeps his hair depending on situation; if he's to appear formal he usually braids it and puts jewelry in his hair, when he does labour work or goes out hunting he mostly puts it up in a messy ponytail, when he's out raiding he keeps it in a big braid that goes from the top of his head to the back of his neck and hangs down his back, and if he's simply casual he just lets it be as it is but has a tendency to pull the long parts of his hair over one of his shoulders.
• His eyes are a vibrant, icy blue color.
• He's most often seen with a frown on his face and an angry wrinkle in between furrowed eyebrows.
• He doesn't let his beard grow out like most men would, mostly because he's ashamed of how patchy it grows out.


Warg’s story took its leap even before he was put into life and birthed by his mother. His father, being a renown warrior and raider, you could say had a goal to father many sons to keep his legacy alive, much like other men before him. There might’ve been something like love between his father and mother at one point, but his father grew frustrated when they tried and tried again to bring forth a child. People had started to gossip, which only made that frustration grow and Warg’s mother’s despair turning into a desperation so fierce that she turned to the Aesir, asking them to put a child in her to keep her husband from leaving, from turning to other women.
It was a while after when she had pleaded to the Aesir that she finally did become pregnant, which helped ease her mind when her husband seemed overjoyed with the news. The months went, and Warg’s mother struggled through the late stages of her pregnancy, her body weakening from carrying a child. And when she gave birth that one stormy night it left her body broken and weak, but still she cradled the wailing boy in her arms like he was the most precious thing she had ever laid her eyes upon.
As Warg grew up, his parents tried many times to get more children. He stayed the first and last, much to his father’s dismay. Both Warg and his mother were treated poorly by his father who abused them both, mentally and physically, and Warg came to hate the man in his early childhood.
The times when Warg’s father went away to raid with the other warriors and shield maidens, things were good. He enjoyed that time most, being just him and his mother.


Warg uses song and musical instruments in his role as a skáld to convey stories to people. The stories he sings about can be ones that has passed on to him from other people; of well known warriors or of Jarls; of the Aesir and the Vanir; of the ever changing cycle of life. It happens that he sings about his own experiences and life, albeit on very rare occasions, and he manipulates the story enough that listeners won't know it's actually about him.

Warg's to-go-to type of instrument to use are string instruments. His favorite and most used instrument is lyre, but he's capable of using a tagelharpa just as well. He frequently uses drums made from hides, too. He's also able to use wind instruments like goat and/or cow horns and panpipes, but these are most uncommon since he relies heavily on his voice to tell a story through sung poetry.

💕: Playing musical instruments, singing, poetry, travelling, star gazing, telling stories about his adventures, cooking, drinking and eating good food in the company of someone, alcoholic beverages, sex, hiking through woods, hunting,
💔: The feeling of being attached to a place or a person, staying at one place for too long, prying eyes, people meddling with his private business, being told what he can and cannot do, his father and being associated to him, 

Strengths: Capable of taking care of himself, sociable, adventurous, high self-esteem and self-respect, loyal, headstrong, confident, gets things done, doesn't let people stand in the way of his goals and/or wants, charismatic, natural banter, alluring, great story teller,
Weaknesses: Easy to provoke, quick to anger and/or aggressive actions, impulsive, selfish, keeps people at an emotional distance, 'lone wolf', too prideful to admit that he can be wrong, hot-headed, competitive, explosive, irritable, poor emotional regulation, tends to say things without thinking about the consequenses when he's angry, usually resorts to anger when his primary feeling actually is shame or sadness,