


1 year, 4 months ago


Rolling Sea
The Ongoing Horrible
Everyplace Is A House
Summer Skin
Wish You Were Here

Nothing escapes the rolling sea...

name Harbor
age 28
gender butch woman
 pronouns she/he
race pitbull mix?
role beachcomber

...Not the past, nor you or me.

Notes: She is short haired all over except for her blue hair. She is my sona and I am a masculine woman so you are welcome to depict her as masculine as possible. I also will always want her drawn thick (both her feral ref sheet and nude anthro form are good examples of her body type).

Harbor lives by the sea and spends lots of time at the beach. Her hobby is looking for sea glass and cool shells- she finds it calming. She is silly and cheerful but surprisingly smart when she buckles down and gets serious about something. 

In her anthro form, she likes burgers and beer and live music events. She plays the guitar and sings. Her upbringing and much of her past were rough, but she copes well and has a good attitude about things.

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