


Basic Info






Young Adult (25)


Link to Winning Form 

Kalon Species Owned By Karmel and Wicced!Witch

Personality: Outgoing, Friendly, secretive, and sometimes manipulative

Blair is an outgoing and fun loving person. She loves to hang out with her friends and spend time with her coworkers. She is what you would call a social butterfly. However, she doesn’t ever talk about herself or about what she does. She tends to keep secrets and avoid talking about her personal life.

She can be manipulative and can change topics and thought processes to make sure her secrets stay hidden. She is extremely intelligent and knows how to get herself out of unfavorable situations. Blair views them personality traits as a native about herself, but in order to keep her friends safe and her work a secret, they are necessary.


During the Day: InterpreterDuring the day, Blair works as an interpreter for many different government agencies. Because she has an eidetic memory, she is able to remember and recall different languages, which makes her a favorite choice for many agencies.

At Night: Information FinderBlair’s  “Night Job” is all about gathering information. She works for an international spy group that has the purpose of keeping the peace between nations. She works closely with her coworkers that are in the field and supplies information to the group. Because of her day job, she is often in the loop of what many different groups are doing. She also has built a strong relationship with people in her communities that allow her to find almost anything.

At Night: Information Finder
Blair’s  “Night Job” is all about gathering information. She works for an international spy group that has the purpose of keeping the peace between nations. She works closely with her coworkers that are in the field and supplies information to the group. Because of her day job, she is often in the loop of what many different groups are doing. She also has built a strong relationship with people in her communities that allow her to find almost anything.