
1 year, 4 months ago


Name: Pond
Gender: Male
Species: Froggy fury 
Night fury subspecies by purple_night_228 on Instagram

Pond is a sub-species of night fury known as "froggy fury." His heart beats for nature, and the marshes in which he resides are a true haven for his explorations. Enthralled by the diversity of animal and plant species, Pond dedicates a significant amount of time to unraveling the mysteries of the natural world.
However, despite his knowledge and passion, Pond is not your typical expert who enjoys sharing his discoveries. He's an introvert. Contact with others poses a challenge for him, and in social situations, you can often observe his shyness. He avoids direct eye contact and frequently struggles to express his thoughts in words.
Even though he may fear "other individuals," surprisingly, this dragon is exceptionally brave and unafraid of danger. If he feels exceptionally confident or irritated, he may even bite back or become confrontational - he tries not to reveal just how awkward and stressful it is to encounter someone else, especially if that person is particularly unpleasant.
Despite these difficulties, Pond is incredibly loyal and caring toward his closest friends and family. Although he may avoid them in certain situations, he is always ready to help and support them in challenging times. His exceptional ability to notice and appreciate small details makes him not only intelligent but also highly sensitive to the beauty of the world, which others might overlook.