Lady Florentine



6 years, 1 month ago


Basic informations

Complete Name: Florentine Shepard
Age: 25
Birthday: January, 10
Height: 1,63 m
Residence: She lives in the Royal Palace of Satin City
Occupation: She’s the regnant of the city-state of Satin City
Colour Affinity: Gold and light blue
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Would be MBTI type: ENTJ


Mother: Clare Shepard is a serious and always distant mother figure  towards her daughter: She, in the past, was an active politician, but  she retired a while ago. Now she’s occupied by running a commercial  activity with the husband. Actually she’s unaware of the true plans of  Florentine. The daughter is rather cold towards her and the husband, and  doesn’t care too much about either.

Father: Thomas  is an active entrepreneur who was more near to the daughter than the  mother. He has a chain of tailoring shops that make some of the cheapest clothes that you can find on the reign, but they are only some dresses  that can be wear only in  everyday clothings. The daughter inherited by him the capacity of being smart and sneaky on the affairs. 


Friends (?) and Acquaintances 

Colette:  The royal stylist. She’s an extrovert middle-aged goomba who puts all  of herself to make a good dress for the regent. She proudly continues a  long tradition of royal tailors and intends to inherit her activity to  her little daughter Goombille. Despite her glorious task, she has always  fear of the current regent, and has fear of her cruel punishments, even  if she didn’t received any for now. She speaks with a light French  accent.

Maurice: The royal adviser, a blue shelled Koopa Troopa that appears detatched, pragmatic and not too much emotive. His capabilities of organization are formidable, and Florentine appreciates this efficency of him. Unfortunately, the regent doesn’t know that he, secretly, has a soft spot on her character and poise, but he’s good to hide it. During his spare time, he loves to read some war books and playing the flute as amateur.


Luxury: despite being mostly an empty person on the inside, Florentine  loves living in the total luxury because it’s one of the tangible proves  that she comes from a rich family and that now has the power, and also  she love being comfortable when she’s doing sports or other consuming  activities.

Sports: the lady of tissues is convinced that if  she practices sports, she will be even more powerful, and so she become a  stronger regnant. Her favourite one is tennis, but loves also  volleyball, dodgeball and golf. In sports game she’s defied as a power  type.

Parties: despite her fake image as a reserved  person, Florentine loves parties, especially the ones that seems similar  to Mario Party ones, but she loves winning them by cheating.

Being powerful: her main interest and the centre of her existence.  Florentine is wrongly convinced that being the most powerful person in  the State, and maybe in the world, would fulfil the perpetual void she  has inside. Her only goal is to have everyone under her control.



Democracy: As a person whose dream is basically being a dictator in her  own State, Florentine seems to logically despise this form of  government and doesn’t even like to hear the opinions of who think  otherwise.

Losing: The regent of Satin City isn’t  really a person who accepts easily being defeated, in any field of her  life, so she always want to win, both in honest and in sneaky ways, if  the situation requires so. She also dislikes getting her spotlight taken  by other people, but tries to keep the image with which she’s famous.

Junk Food: Her tissutness doesn’t like fast food, she HATES it. As a person who's really picky about what she eats, she's truly disgusted by the bad, oily flavour of  this kind of aliments and she always wonder why people loves eating it so much. 

Getting bored: Florentine is one of that persons who always want to have a busy  day, otherwise she can become even more unbearable than usual with her servants. It’s also useful, to have a commitments schedule, to don’t  remember to herself what she has inside.



Apparently Florentine’s pubblic personality seems to be introverted,  almost reserved, but still vain and constantly worried about her  physical aspect. Since she’s the leader of a nation, she doesn’t like to  make bad gossip about how she’s dressed. Despite this, she seems to  care about her folk and tries to make them happy. But it’s a pity that  this is only a fake character that she built to be more likeable to the  inhabitants of her land!
In reality the regent is a proud,  charismatic and self-centred person who can be very ambitious and even  sneaky for receiving what she wants: the total control of the little  reign of Satin City. She studied cautiously the folk’s wishes and in a  very populist way, she earned the necessary votes to be the next queen  after the previous king passed away.
She even made some elaborate  long term plans to eliminate every form of democracy and being the only  one to reign over the city-state, in manner that nobody could even  notice the changes. But she knows that if she doesn’t satisfy the  people, they are less willingly to accept the new measures that she’s  doing, so she satisfies them for the most of their requests.
But  actually there are few inhabitants, the smarter ones, who intuited the  sneaky plains of the new sovereign, and try to open the eyes to the folk  by a massive propaganda, always repressed by the forces.
Despite  this, what’s the really matter that made Florentine so thirsty of power?  An inner void is the answer, a perennial state of boredom that her  social condition experiments often, fulfilled only by luxury objects or  shallow entertainments. She wants to be more deep, even great about her  stupid peers, and for this she’s entered in politics. She also declares  herself as an active nihilist.