


1 year, 4 months ago


˗ˏˋ Profile ˎˊ˗
name Bobby
alias Bob
age 22 | Mar 14th
gender Male (he/him)
height 5'1
orient. Gay | Asexual
race Zorgloid
role Software Developer
theme & vc ( ) ( )

status unavaliable
designer FyligoInk
worth priceless
  • humans
  • tinkering
  • flying
  • technology
  • family
  • viohaze
  • indoors
  • being grounded
  • He has a third eye hidden by his hair that he ripped out due to the fact it's a feature given to him by his father.
  • His backpack was the result of a failed experiment, and it is basically sentient with the only goal of destroying the universe. It's basically a planet eating backpack. Though, it likes Bob so he keeps it with him at all times so it doesn't turn rogue and destroy the universe.
  • He has always been fascinated by human technology and enjoys just lurking on human technology, watching them interact.
  • His "skirt" type thing is the bottom half of his mom's prom dress cut up and sewn to his belt so he always has a piece of her with him after she moved away.
  • To rub it in that he dislikes his father more, he wears a lot of eye themed jewelry, none of which are red like his.
˗ˏˋ History ˎˊ˗

Bob's childhood was quite a train ride. The first few years of his life were as normal as it can get, living with an alchoholic. Throughout the years as he got older his father got progressively worse, and began loosing his mind. Even though he had his mom to protect him, things were rough. His father would regularly ab_se him, one case resulting in the snapping of his right antenna, and the amputation of his left leg. Around the time he was 12 his parents finally got divorced. He wanted to go with his mom, but she inevitably couldn't get custody over him in court. Due to that she ended up moving out of region to live with her parents since she couldn't afford rent alone.

Things were rough for Bob during his teenage years, he fell into bad habits and would sometimes spend days away from home just to stay away from his father. He keeps in regular touch with his mother, and has been saving up money to go visit her.


Bob attended the most highly rated and best school on Tekystal during highschool even though he didn't really want to be there. He didn't mind though because there atleast was one person that made it tolerable. He originally wanted to save money to move to the Tyder region to be with his mother, but he met Dave at highschool and that changed everything. At first Dave started as just a hallway crush, someone he'd admire as he passed by him in the hallways. However, one day at lunch Dave came over and asked to sit with him, and the rest was history. They clicked almost instantly and quickly became friends over their shared interest in technology. He still wants to visit his mom, but as of now he'd like to stay in Cyrito with Dave.

Current Day

Bob is doing much better now. He's moved into his own apartment away from his dad, and is now attending a local college. He's been considering asking Dave to move in with him, but he's still not ready for that yet. He's just enjoying his college years care free, and enjoying being able to live alone without that guilt of another person being around. His mother is now stable enough that she makes frequent visits to the Cyrito region, and Bob has been trying to convince her to move home.

He's slowly started coming out of his shell that he put himself in due to his home issues. It has taken a lot for him to be more open and social, but now he's happy with his friend group. Things are still rough at times, but atleast he has his friends and boyfriend to help him through those hard times.

˗ˏˋ LINKS ˎˊ˗

Bob met Dave in highschool and originally he was just a silly little crush that he didn't think would go anywhere.

The two ended up talking one day at lunch and became inseperable. Bob quickly learned Dave felt the same way, and they're now happily together.


Bob met Teagan from work. She constantly brought in devices she had accidentally broken. He didn't comment about it seeing as this is a common occurance for Viohaze zorgloids.

Teagan became a regular and they quickly became good friends, and kept in touch online. The two are gaming buddies, they like just hanging out online and just playing games together. He sees her as the little sister he never had.


Bob met Wiktor through Teagan, seeing as she'd ask if he could come along whenever they hung out.

After meeting Wiktor Bob started bringing Dave whenever they would hang out, and it quickly became their friend group. Just four nerds who don't have many friends being idiots together.


Bob doesn't see his mom much anymore, but he still is grateful for her and loves her very much.

To be honest, if his mom had left any sooner than she did Bob might not still be alive today. She taught him how to be strong, and it helped him most after she left. He just kept remembering what he told her, and told himself he had to be strong for her.

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