[Beastars] Zoryana Kalynyna



1 year, 4 months ago



Zoryana Kalynyna

Only known as "The Huntress" in the Black Market; striking fear into many Carnivores Hearts.

Zoryana is known for her strength and violent nature towards Carnivores; some even rumor that she consumes Carnivore Meat exclusively.

“ Contrary to popular belief,
I know exactly what I'm doing. ”


African Wilddog




cis female











Relationship Status

Personality & Story


Paint the Town Red - Doja Cat


Valiant. Zoryana comes off as a fearless individual wearing a big smile even when she comes face to face with death itself. This might look crazy but in reality she just has the mental fortitude and discipline to act against her instincts and responses to fear. This allows her to utilize the adrenaline her body produces without losing the clearance of mind.

Protective. A certain flair surrounds her when faced with people she deems weaker than herself; almost gentle like a mother. She talks and acts tame around scared individuals especially if they happen to be herbivores. On the other hand she will be especially fierce while protecting those who don't possess the strength to protect themselves. And don't you dare pulling her family into this mess.

Adaptable. Zoryana possesses the ability to adapt to any situation with ease. Her degree in psychology comes in especially handy in situations like these. Her ability to adapt comes from her great observational skills although her knowledge about peoples minds is an advantage too.

Skeptic. Zoryana is quite skeptic of anything and anyone. This makes her quite distrustful of people but also saved her from quite a few traps and betrayals too. She doesn't think that it's a negative trait to be rather safe than sorry.

Stealthy. She knows how to move undetected. She frequently has to vanish from situations with as little trace as possible so the skill to blend in and become almost invisible comes in quite handy.

Secretive. Zoryana tends to keep to herself and certainly not open up to anyone. Her thoughts and intentions as well as place of residence remain in the dark and she likes to keep it that way. She prefers to know everything about everyone and everything while those around her know nothing about her. It gives her a sense of security.

Manipulative. Zoryana isn't afraid to use her knowledge in psychology to bend peoples will to her advantage. Her way of talking coupled with her exceptional observational skills make for a great manipulator.

Violent. She wouldn't be in the underground if she wasn't able to protect herself. She is a worthy and dangerous opponent for anyone, especially Carnivores. She seems to be more violent when she fights meat-eating individuals who "reek of innocent blood". She has no reservations in getting her claws and teeth stained with blood.

Temperamental. Zoryanas mood is unpredictable nd can change in a matter of seconds. She has a tendency to react very strongly with certain triggers; be it positively or negatively. She describes it as "sometimes she feels too much".


There isn't anything known about Zoryanas parents or where she came from. She was just left in a dark alleyway as a baby, her cries being noticed by a young Musk Deer woman who would later become her dear mother. The baby was met with caution first by the husband of the woman but he quickly warmed up to the tiny pup. The more Zoryana grew the more she would have a strong sense of protectiveness about her small family; especially after her little brother Mykyta was born. Zoryana couldn't deny that she was an outcast among the carnivores who deemed her to soft because of her herbivore parents.

It became apparent quickly that Zoryana was exceptionally intelligent and eager to learn fuelled by her unrivaled curiosity. She was really good at school, excelling in subjects like Maths, Literature and Writing. Her interest laid in the psychology and behaviours of people. It didn't make sense for her to pursue acting in the Drama Cloub at first but her curiosity about psychology made it easy for her to act out several types of characters.

The only thins that were quite out of the ordinary was her little brothers acting out and her growing empathy towards herbivores. She was of the impression that Carnivores had to protect Herbivores with their gifted strength. That became especially apparent to her when she harmed an Herbivore by accident in a PE class; being too unaware of her strength at that time. And Mykyta almost sinking his long canines into his fellow students only highlighted the influence she had as a Carnivore. That's why she chose to study psychology; to uncover the minds of everyone and give those who wanted help the chance they needed.

Just as Zoryana was once hailed a gifted prodigy in the field of psychology, she had finally become a top-tier psychologist. Her insights were unparalleled and her understanding of the peoples minds was unmatched. She researched the instincts of the people with her own focus being on the Carnivores instincts and how to better control them; even earning a title of a Doctor in the process. She was a beloved individual by almost all of her patients, sticking out with her honesty that was still laced with understanding and curiosity for everyone and everything.

But life can take unexpected turns and so did hers. One evening before meeting another of her patients she had laid down for a quick nap after feeling quite beaten only to wake up with the taste of iron in her mouth. Wide eyed she looked at the poor patient on the ground, her vision still blurry she could only make out the shouts of the Police that surrounded her. And as she turned her head to see her reflection she was shocked to see a wild beast in the faint image of herself in a bloodied windows glass. With nothing but her fear and confusion to guide she escaped the claws of the Police and straight into the underground. She practically vanished from the surface of the world leaving her family in their despair in the uncertainity about her well-being.

Despite being a psychologist herself she could have never prevented her own sanity slipping away little by little. Zoryana fell into depression and hoplessness, the image of her beastly reflection haunting her dreams whenever she managed to get some sleep. The streets of the Black Market that were infested with Gang Members of various groups were rough. Only a few times she had managed to dodge certain death causing her be forced to learn to fight. Her knowledge of the psyche being her strongest weapon besides her teeth and claws. And while her body became stronger with each hit she got her own mind hardened as well; her violent nature and instincts awakening in the process. She even joined a Fighting Club to be able to hone her newfound skills more and more. The taste of blood invaded her senses, be it her own or from her opponents, ignited something inside of her.

And one fateful night she encountered an enemy that possessed far greater strength than she had ever came across before. In fact she lost one of her Canines and almost her life by a slice to her throat. She only managed to win by managing to sink her teeth into her opponents throat herself and ripping it out cleanly. And with the taste of the carnivores flesh in her mouth and the thrill and adrenaline of certain death she came to love meat which resulted into her hunting down Carnivores she would deem evil in her twisted ideas of morals. And just like that she became known as "The Huntress" being named after the primal instincts of a true hunter.


  • She has sectoral heterochromia in her right eye; an icy blue disrupts her ember eyes.
  • When she lost her tooth she was actually gifted the replacement by one of her clients when she successfully eliminated a violent Carnivore.
  • She refuses to fight any Herbivore because it inferferes with her core belief to protect them.
  • Her nickname is actually Zoya.
  • She was once a well-mannered woman but now she can only be described as boisterous and shameless. She doesn't care if anyone sees her naked.
  • She loves to mock her opponents with things her intelligent and educated mind picks up on.
Mykyta Kalynyn

Mykyta is her adoptive younger brother who she loves dearly still. She is ashamed of herself and avoids him at all costs. She knows that he is looking for her and she's preparing to face him; but not yet. Zoryana is proud of him for what he has become.

Grigoriy & Yaryna Kalynyny

Zoryanas Parents that she loves dearly. Her father is cautious of Carnivores and Zoryana was the only one he ever trusted. After she disappeared he fell into a deep depression and Mykyta does his best to make him feel safe. She hasn't talked to them in years and misses them a lot although she does occasionally look after them from a distance. Zoryana feels too ashamed to face them.

“ It's my job to hunt down the arrogant Carnivores who think they are untouchable. ”

code by Leporidactic . Togo