Hades Crane



1 year, 5 months ago



Hades Crane

Hades Crane
Hay-deez Krayn
3 years
Level headed
  • Dark mask
  • Icy eyes against umber shadows
  • A secret lover of springtime
  • Does not use contractions while speaking



Adorning his fur are tones of various browns and creams, taking after his maternal Grandmother but with his mothers eyes. Hades face and most of his neck is coated in dark browns, that fades from his forehead and across the back of his neck into pale tans and creams, the same colour being able to be seen on his belly, front paws and hindlegs. He has a saddle of dark brown decorating across his back and sides, teach all the way down his tail. He gets his height from his mother, rivalling her for the tallest of their little brood, but takes after his father in weight and build. His fathers pale fur has earned his creams to lighten, making him a somewhat mixture of the parents.


Hades • Lover of spring • Guide for lost souls Hades is determined, aiming to gain what he desires, though he is a tactician when it comes to the act of pursuing. Not one to cut corners, he is willing to work endlessly if it means his goals will be met. He can become blinded by his wants, making him occasionally oblivious to others or his surroundings as he ponders internally. Calm, cool, and confident - His self control is a honed talent he pride himself in; never the one to bite first, preferring other forms of meeting an end. Though don’t be fooled by his lack of aggression, Hades is glad to release his fury and wrath when you cross the line and push too far against him or his pride and joy companions. Hades has grown to be quite similar to his father, respecting others and taking their situations in regard when he navigates his actions. He can be formal and courteous, using clean words to converse. He does not talk to others as if he is above them, everyone enters on a level playing field - but his resurrection can be gained or lost depending on the others actions. Just like the mythological god he was named for, this dark prince also loves the vibrant and fresh spring. His guilty pleasure is the colorful array of scenery, the flowers, the flocks of singing birds - it’s beautiful. Hades always notices the beautiful things In the world, but only relishes them when he is alone. Although he would very likely enjoy affection and familial intimacy, he’s a bit aloof and emotionally dense when it comes to others. So he tends to not seek, offer, or retrieve such things.

  • Spring and flowers
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • His history
  • His family

