


1 year, 5 months ago


  • Influences: Myths, Naga, [West] Asia
  • Flag: Made of layers of silk with gold thread to mimic a stained glass window with two green snake eyes in the middle. The silks are generally made from important family pieces, making each flag look different.
  • Themes: Snakes of the East, Desert Sands, Oasis, Ruins, Magic, Oils
  • Gemstones: Agate, Jade, Snake Stone, Fulgurite, Tektite, Opal
  • Monarch Line: Fendi/Sumati Family; King + Council > Eldest Prince + Council > Younger Prince + Council
  • Clothing: The most diverse; LightWeight/Breathable, Silks > Wraps,Tunics, Layers, Furs/Leather/Cloaks at night when it’s cold.
  • Marriage: Oil Baths, Combine Wax Seals, Parties, Jewelry, Bathing together is seen as more intimate than sex and often practiced after childbirth as well.
  • Children: Children are very rare and such seen as gifts. Orphans are often taken in from other Kingdoms, though this can be tricky and most leave when they come of age because they don’t wish to be cursed like other Iorhael people.
  • Death: Hair cutting, Making/Eating Mochi Type Treats, Dancing, Butterflies are seen as bringing Death
  • National Flower: Fairy Duster
    • Blooming between late winter and late spring; This flower attracts the deer from Elswood, which are than hunted for jerky for long summer travels. While it’s almost always pink, rarely other colors will grow and are said to be fortunes from the fae for travelers.

Previously seen as cursed, this Kingdom is considered the weakest even despite Elswood’s mistakes. Originally based under a elderly King who’s every child was lost until finally his two sons lived. Wanting a safety net, he made a deal with Elswood to marry off his eldest son and protect the Kingdom. As if finally finding peace in this, the King passed, leading to the Elder son taking his place on the throne.