


1 year, 4 months ago


god of stars and premonition, but most of all a chaotic little gremlin

Name: Estrella

Aliases: Goddess of Stars, Oldest God(she doesn't like this title lmao)

Gender: Female

Age: ???

Faction: Palas Ascuns

Powers: Moving the stars, looking into the future, and various other things

Skills: Reading the stars, fast reader, quick learner, highly knowledgable about the world(be it what's happening, how things work, etc.)

Personality: Estrella, despite being the oldest god in Pretierata, hardly acts the part. To most, she acts childish and chaotic, as though her only regard is for fun, any consequences an afterthought. Deeper down, however, she pays a lot of attention to the things she's doing and ensures that the aftermath is nothing horrible. Although she's not against making new connections, she's not exactly for them, as she's already lost so many friends to the world(and still misses them dearly), but places immense trust in those she does consider close. So much so, that even if they betray her, despite feeling hurt that they would do such a thing, she still wants to trust them deep down. Despite her childish demeaner, Estrella is good at keeping a level head and thinking rationally. She places the protection of her nation above almost everything else. She's also highly knowledgable on various happenings of the world.

Family: --

Friends: IX, Cadera Stelelor

Enemies: Threats to Palas Ascuns


-Estrella is the oldest god and last one remaining of the original gods created by IX

-She owns the book of god laws because it's something she and the other original gods established together

-But that doesn't mean she's gonna enforce it... Like at all

-Her nation(Palas Ascuns) is just floating in the sky because she thought it was safer there. Magic hides it from sight of most people, though

Design Notes:

-There are little stars in her eyes

-Her pupils are NOT circles/ovals, they're a four-pointed star

-Colors(especially of crystals and stuff) are not symmetrical

-She's short