Basic Info

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From a distant future a megalodon was found dead in a beach of Chicago. He somehow survived extinction and the last of his kind. Eurocorp decided to reanimate and adding on him prosthethic limbs and mechanisms for both fire, machine and flamethrower weapons functions since he hasn't any expect possibly for his tail. After this they added a voice box for allow him to speak in all the different languages is possible but not omnilingual, and the device works only with a selected language in the box system. This shark became known as Agent Mega-Lodon and killed all the evil agents. Then knowing he was used for corruption and in slavery control, he killed Jack Denham by eating his head. And set fire to the whole Eurocorp organizzation starting a new life.

In other details:

This Megalodon was raised in the future and given a anthro appearence plus robotical changing arms, they can be changed to fire weapons, flamethrowers and even machine guns if desidered by them. This shark is able to lift tons and jump higher (even flight)!

Tall: Big like a Megalodon, is bigger than a person (25 metres 82 feet)