


1 year, 4 months ago


Name: Echois
Also Known As: Echois, son of Vortexius

Gender: Male (He/Him)
Year 2995, Ninth moon, Day 32
2.94m / 9’8

Element: Wind (Blue Tinted)
Element Mastery:
Magic Mastery:

Occupation: Student
Year Fifteen
Master Wynter's Flight

Status: Alive
Orientation: Gay
Social Status:

Affiliation: Warfang, Gale Weavers

Echois is a Year Fifteen student at the Warfang Temple, and a member of the Gale Weavers clan and the illegitimate son of Mykelus from Clan Strymir.

Personality: Echois is an extremely meek and naive boy, often described as a ghost due to how quiet and anxious he is. He has a strong stutter that despite the many hours of tutoring, seemingly will never go away. Due to this stutter, he rarely ever talks to avoid embarrassment or bullying. Echois is incredibly sweet and known to be spoiled by others simply because he’s adorable to some. Though there are times he comes off as blunt and rude due to being inexperienced speaking with others. He’s naturally curious and an amazing listener, loving to read and hear long stories about the world and philosophies of others. He finds comfort staying in the library and researching everything he can, especially about magic. Over the years in flight, he’s known for being very submissive and avoids conflict at all cost.

History: A child born of unfortunate circumstances and secrets. Echois’ family for generations had finally become recognized as a Clan for their efforts as renowned Clothiers just two years before Echois’ birth. Master Vortexius is the clan’s Matriarch, Echois’ mother. Unknown to the rest of the clan, Echois is the child of a secret affair. Vortexius cheated on her unified- Eurusi, with Mykelus of Tempest Reign in a one-night stand, unaware of her being unified. She took herbs to prevent the pregnancy but sadly it had failed that one fateful night. Thankfully for Vortexius, she was able to cover up this affair by mating with Eurusi after finding out she was pregnant with an egg.

When Echois hatched, Vortexius was again relieved; none of the signature traits of Tempest Reign. To avoid any controversy of such an affair, she continued the lie that Echois was Eurusi’s child. Never telling a soul. 

Echois growing up was always shy and meek, afraid to speak up or have attention on him. He felt most comfortable being a ghost, quietly watching in the background. His pretty looks and meek personality was a prime target for Frostir, who was his flight mate. In turn, Echois was drawn to Hoaris, very curious about the one dragon who actively stood against Frostir. Echois would then try forming a friendship with Hoaris, loving his company and especially hearing his thoughts as he researched. Hoaris was one of Echois’ only friends, where he felt most comfortable talking as well, despite his strong stutter rambling on about curiosities.


Element: Echois discovered his element of tinted light blue wind at the age of 9 and gained control of his breath by 14. All thanks to studying alongside Hoaris, he reached Learner at the age of 18.

Magic: Much to the disappointment of the Gale Weavers, Echois struggles with using spells and studying magic. They allow him to continue training his element in exchange for Echois being a model for their clothing lines.

Physical: Echois is extremely feminine, small and petite for his age. Often a source of his bullying, however he is quite happy knowing he’s so pretty. His slim and slender body is very fragile when doing physical combat. His body is weak and frail, even flying being a daunting task on occasion. He has a quirk where his face seemingly always looks flustered, teary eyed and needy.

Clan Gale Weavers

Vortexius (Mother, Matriarch)
Eurusi (Father)
Mykelus (Biological Father)

Squallius (Older Half Brother)


Hoaris: A fellow flightmate of Echois’ who he considers as his best friend. Hoaris’ unique quirks and insight on the world fascinates Echois and he could spend hours listening to the Northwind talk and hyperfixate. Echois has gotten used to picking up on Hoaris’ abnormal social cues and does his best to show he understands. Due to the endless conflicts with Frostir in their flight, Echois fears the day Hoaris loses himself to hatred or does something reckless.

Frostir: Echois is one of Frostir’s playthings. Due to being in the same flight, Echois has had many encounters with Frostir growing up. At first it was just the standard cruelty Frostir did on everyone within their flight but then they reached puberty. Frostir’s harassment on Echois came in the form of inappropriate flirting and touching, often to try angering Hoaris but also with other intentions.Echois interpreted this as merely joking and bullying for the longest time. Frostir knows a huge secret about Echois and holds it over his head as blackmail material, Echois fearing what Hoaris would think of him if found out.


He is inspired by Vyse’s oldest Original Character, Kodama.

His name is a reference to “Hook Echo”, a term used for Tornado radars.

With Echois’ stutter, he specifically struggles with words using “S” “TH” “B” “I”  and “R”.