


6 years, 2 months ago


Luca Taylor October

Thera's Captain is a bitch
Luca is a very pessimistic inkling. He's quick to anger and would much rather keep to himself at home than go out and about unless he has a good reason to do so. He's fiercely protective of his family and would gladly hurt someone if they laid even a finger on one of his parents or ESPECIALLY his sister. If he's seen out around Splatsville he's often on his way to a ranked match/tournament of some kind or out to lunch with his friends or family... He's the captain of his ranked team, and often coordinates their next matches or plans their appearences whenever they're needed. But besides the followers to his team, hes a very private person and doesn't like anyone prying into his private life... He can get pretty competitive when he's in a tournament, and is known for his skill in slinking around out of sight and appearing when opponents least expect it, often getting behind entire teams and whiping them out from behind with his Flingza or Octobrush. But outside the ranked matches, not many passerby know much about him... Luca is constantly on high alert and never seems to relax unless hes at home or with Evie in a private setting... although he has a strange soft spot for salmonids... especially smallfry, often getting swarmed by wild groups of them that just want to be around him. behind Luca's tough facade though, hes extremely loyal and protective of those he considers a close friend, and has a great sense of humor. Do wrong to him or his family, though. and you may find yourself on the recieving end of violent retribution.
his family
being yelled at
being touched
having his hair down
Early Life
Luca lived with his Mom, Dad, & Sister Thera in a large penthouse near Inkopolis Plaza for his early life. His biological parents were awful people and would often verbally abuse Luca and Thera. They went to school, had extra curriculars, got good grades, and were generally good kids! Despite all this though, their parents still over looked them in favour of their realestate firm. Luca was generally a quiet kid, and just kept to himself studying in school or was glued to Thera's side when they were in public or at home. Thera introduced him to Evie when they were young, and from there the three did a lot together, but outside of school or public spaces, Luca was constantly fighting with his parents. Nothing he did was good enough for them, and they weren't afraid to tell him as such. After especially bad arguments, Luca would occasionally turn his anger onto his sister, degrading her as their parents did to him... he'd always apologize afterwards though, and despite all this, the pair remained as close as could be...

After Leaving
After the attempt on his own life when he was 12, Thera took Luca away from their parents home to try and find a new start. They would find a way to Evies home in inkopolis and remain there for quite a while, even with Evie's parents attempts to reunite the twins with their parents neither pair wanted anything to do with the other, so the twins remained in Evies home. This was really where Luca and Evie began growing closer, and where Luca got his start in his ranked battle career. With Thera being busy with her own life, Evie and him would go out to compete in ranked battles whenever Luca wasn't busy with his online schooling. After the twins moved out of Evie's home, Luca would get into Grizzco work as well, often spending many hours working shifts to help the pair save up money for a comfortable apartment. Luca found a strange comfort in the Salmonids, and often would study the critters when flying between inkopolis and the salmon grounds. Around this time is when Luca and Evie formed their Ranked team with two other friends; Kasey and Jax. When Thera dissapeared for long bouts of time for work, Luca would drown himself in ranked responsibilities to keep his mind clear, until after one especially long stint away from home, Thera brought herself, and Spec back...

Present Day
Now-a-days Luca is generally a lot calmer and less reactive than when her was in Inkopolis. Him and Thera were adopted by their mothers; Soleil, and Toby, and Luca decided to get into his Mother's underground work, often being a sleuth around the internet, finding targets for Soleil and digging up dirt on horrible people who need to be punished. He's still an active participant in ranked battles, Especially with being a high class X-ranker, he has a reputation to uphold and it keeps him busy. After moving to the Splatlands, Thera would bring home Flyfish, a Smallfry Luca had grown very fond of in his grizzco work, and one he often had to keep from jumping aboard the helicopter back to Splatsville. The two are practically joined at the hip when Thera isn't working. Alongside Flyfish is Evie, still stuck to Luca's side after all these years. While Luca insisted feeling nothing romantic towards Evie for most of his life, He seems to have warmed up to the idea, at least a little bit... often being alright with kisses and hugs, as long as she asks him first. Generally, Luca just enjoys his new life and is glad that him and Thera got a second chance at a good life.

5'7"/170 cm



Faded self harm scars on wrists

Hair almost always tied up

Glasses not optional

Charm bracelet not optional


Twin sister
Thera is Luca's rock. They've been through thick and thin together and Luca cannot imagine his life without her. He's fiercely protective of her and easily gets jealous of people getting too close to her (especially her captain) but reguardless he loves her to bits. while she can be a bit too energetic for him at times, he doesn't hold it against her and Thera is one of the few people who consistently can make Luca smile.

Best friend
Evie is Luca's best friend, hands down. The pair do just about everything together and Shes one of the only people Luca will talk about his problems with. Nine times out of ten if you can't find Luca at his home, hes probably at Evies place... Their relationship is a bit... complicated, barely falling into the 'friends with benefits' category, but only occassionally. most of the time when Evie hits on Luca he completely disreguards it. No matter if they remain platonic, or some how turn romantic, Luca cherishes his friendship with Evie.

Little Buddy
FLYFISH!!! Luca's favorite guy ever. Luca was over the moon when Thera brought this little guy home, and the pair do just about everything together. Flyfish often hides away in Luca's hood or perches itself on his head or shoulder and copys a lot of Luca's mannerisims. Luca has taught flyfish to do many things, including yelling "FUCK" when it gets frustrated, or glaring at Thera's captain when she takes him along to work. Luca loves flyfish like a son he thinks, but honestly he thinks thats too cheesey to say out loud. he just loves his fish <3.

July 21st

Luca murdered his and Thera's biological parents. After a long stint in court with the birth givers attempting to void the adoption, Luca snapped. he snuck into their home, disabled all the security measures (which he had set up when they were kids, the idiots had never changed anything) and set a dish towel on fire over the stove. He ended up telling Thera after a few years, and although he feared that she'd hate him and think he was a monster... Thera had a lot more pent up rage towards their biological parents than he knew. Only Soleil and Thera know what he did.

Luca has pretty severe haphephobia, meaning he's scared of touching others or being touched himself. its often hard to tell, as he pushes his fears down in ranked, but if someone bumps into him on accident, or hugs him without asking first he can break down into a pretty bad panic attack. He tries his best to push his phobia down for Thera and Evie, given that they're just physical people by nature, But every now and again, even they can set him off by accident.

He loves cooking and baking! both him and Soleil are often the designated cooks of their respective households, and he loves doing it. ESPECIALLY baking. If its a cold morning where not much is going on, Luca will just decide its time to make sweet treats for his friends and family. His favorite things to make include cookies, croissants, and cupcakes. he also makes salmon-friendly treats for Flyfish about every other week.

Luca naturally seems to draw salmonids to himself, which he is very much not opposed to lol. Whenever he goes on grizzco shifts, salmonids often ignore him, or flock around him and are very friendly towards him! his affinity for salmonids have made him more of an egg collector/teammate reviver than a boss killer. He'll often have a small swarm of smallfry following him around the map at all times, and has developed a sort of smallfry colony that reside in the sewers of Splatsville that he checks on every few days. His charm doesn't work on kings though...

Luca is the captain of a ranked team him and Evie formed called 'Team LEJK' (pronounced Leh-jeck) with each letter representing the first letter of the members' names and in the order that they joined the team. Luca, Evie, Jax, and Kasey. Luca handles a lot of the behind the scenes work, signing the team up for tournaments and organizing their training schedule. He lets Evie be in charge of the more public stuff, such as interviews and whatnot.

Luca is an EXTREMELY jealous inkling when it comes to others getting close to Thera, and was so with Spec when the two were first introduced to eachother. His main issue now lies with her captain at work. He somehow feels threatened with Captain Three's kindness towards Thera and how she sometimes refers to him as her 'work dad'. Luca is extremely cold towards Thera's captain and has even taught flyfish to glare daggers through the man when Thera takes him to work with her.

code by robonene