
1 year, 4 months ago




Middle Class
Aster (Ast)
Mechanic (for the most part)


Aster was born in a middle class family in the main city of Kado Kingdom, his parents both work many jobs and are usually busy but for the first 9-ish years of his life at least one of Aster's parents were always home. They would never work on the same day to make sure someone was always home with him; when he was 5 his parents tried sending him to a school but he was never able to focus on what they were teaching, nor wanted to learn it. After they realized this his parents decided to just keep him home and teach him to read and write on their own. Once he knew the basics Aster was all about learning; he would read every book in the house and anything his parents brought home, which made their job of teaching him very easy. When he was 9 his parents started leaving him at home alone so they could both work, they trusted him enough to leave him without needing to worry. After he was left home alone for a couple days in a row he ran out of things to do at his house, so he decided to adventure around. He would wander around the markets picking up any spare nuts or bolts and then screwing them together, they never amounted to anything but he loved doing it. One day he went a little farther away than usual and found a library, which is where he spent most of the next year. Within a year he had read every book in the library at least twice and knew almost everything you could learn in books about farming, building/making things, magic and even winged cats. He tried magic a few times after learning about it in books but for some reason he could never perform any.

One day Aster decided to go exploring instead of going to the library. He went out behind his house to explore some abandoned buildings; he had always known they were there but for some reason he never thought to go explore them. He found a small building with what seemed to be a workbench and an old forge; he decided he would stop going to the library and fix up the old building. He used wood from around the shop and from the other buildings to fix up the holes and cracks in his new shop. He then bought some sheep wool and mixed it with tree sap to make insulation. Within a couple weeks Aster almost completely fixed up the old shop, it was almost as good as new, minus a few tacky looking pieces of wood Aster had to use due to his lack of supplies. He then went to fixing up the inside. It wasn't much at first; he just rebuilt the forge, replaced some nails on the workbench, and added a few things, but over time it would change just like the rest of the shop. Aster finally decided to show his parents, when they got home from work he took them back to his shop; he was worried they would be mad he was sneaking out all these days but they were surprisingly supportive and were impressed by how good the shop looked, they even told him they loved the idea of him making things and he promised to show them any of the machines or objects he ended up making. The first thing he made in his new shop was his goggles, they were relatively easy to make, it was getting the supplies that was difficult; but after he had everything it took him less than 30 minutes to make them. Next up was his tool belt, he went down to the shops in the city and used almost all of his savings to buy leather and various different tools. After he had everything he needed he spent the next 3-ish years almost constantly working on things in his shop, but he would only ever be at the shop while his parents worked so he could still spend time with them. Word slowly got around about him and some cats started paying him to fix up their tools or make them stuff; with the new money Aster was able to fix up the shop even more, within a little over a year the shop looked brand new. He had replaced wood over the insulation on the inside so it was no longer exposed, he also was able to have a much more organized and safe work space; he then replaced some of the more tacky pieces of wood on the roof and exterior walls to make everything look clean. Aster also had discovered soon after he started working in his shop that he could in fact do magic, just not when he was paying attention, he had started subconsciously using magic while working; he would start the forge with fire from his paws, weld together metal, and summon tools from the other side of the room without even noticing. He eventually noticed what he was doing and was shocked, so he then tried to do magic like normal and once again failed. He decided to stop trying and just go with it. After around 3 years of working in his shop there was a day where Aster needed to go into town, which wasn't too out of the norm, but the normal shop he would go to wasn't there. He asked around but no one knew what happened to it or its owner. So he was forced to go to a different part of town to get what he needed; it was there he overheard soldiers in hushed voices talking about winged cats causing problems in a coastal town on the west side of the mainland; he got closer and when he wasn't paying attention he somehow ended up right behind the soldiers, but he was able to hear more of what they were talking about. He heard their whole conversation, apparently they had started complaining about problems the military was dealing with, he heard all about the winged cats, and two cats in the main city who kept stealing from high ranking officers and people close to the Royal Family, and more. He was shocked by what he heard, but he was even more shocked when he realized how close he was to the soldiers; he panicked and ran back into the shops nearby to hide, it wasn't until he looked down when he realized he was invisible the whole time, he panicked again but almost as soon as he realized he became visible again, just like the rest of his magic. He bought what he needed and ran home, but there was no way what he heard could prepare him for what he would find at his shop in a few weeks.

Voice Claim: Polites (EPIC the Musical)


Aster is terrible at fighting, but that doesn't stop him; he fights using items in his tool belt or if he isn't paying attention, his magic.



Aster can't consciously do magic, but when he isn't paying attention his magic can be powerful.


Aster's mind is one of his most dangerous weapons, if he gets an idea there's no stopping him.



Aster is a kind cat, but that doesn't mean he won't fight back; he is very good at making friends even though he doesn't have any.

Kind | Cocky | Smart | Jokester

Aster is usually never straight up rude to anyone, but there are of course exceptions. Some think of him as a jokester and he sees nothing wrong with it, he loves pulling the occasional pranks or cracking jokes. Despite his kindness Aster has never hesitated to join in on a fight if he sees fit.

Shorter Than Most Cats.
Pretty light, could easily get picked up.
Scrawny build but strong.

Design Notes

  • He always has his goggles and tool belt on unless he is sleeping or it's a special occasion.
  • He always has a bandage over his nose.
  • He's almost always filthy or has some sort of dust or oil on him.


  • Making things/building
  • Learning new things
  • His parents


  • Bullies
  • The idea that some knowledge is forbidden
  • The Royal Family (for the most part)


  • For some reason despite his friendly nature Aster never made friends with anyone his age when he was younger, but when he started working in his workshop he became good friends with a good amount of merchants that he regually visited in the city.
  • He 100% has ADHD.
  • If his merchant friends don't see him for an extended period of time they've been known to go to his house and make sure he is okay.
[ | code by togo ]