


1 year, 3 months ago



Lunchlion #121

NAME Frances
GENDER female
JOB Actress
MASTERLIST lunchlion 121
Shes based on a movie star, their companion (kid she takes care of) wants to be an actor when he grows up but he’s very insecure and shy so she gives him confidence, she loves cheering up people and thinks there’s talent that deserve to shine on everyone, they can be a bit too obsessed with their looks sometimes though, she hates to get her mane tangled, which happens often due to popcorn getting on there, so they are brushing their mane very often. You would probably tell already, but they absolutely *love* movies, especially very obscure old black and whites ones (although she still finds all movies to have artistic value in their own unique way) if you ask her about movies she will non stop rant you about movies, the plot, the way it was made, the people working on it, the significance behind it… which is perfect for her companion who’s also a very big cinematic enthusiast (he’s a lot more shy tho and probably won’t talk much even if you do bring up this topic) they watch a lot of movies together and chances are you’ll probably overhear them ranting about them.