
1 year, 4 months ago


Duskblaze - shadowclan - 20 moons - she/her

duskblaze was born to be a warrior. she’s quick, sharp witted, and fierce. she has a cold hard exterior, so many clanmantes never take the time to chat with her. when she was born, her sister, Finchkit, was still borne, and her mother never stopped grieving her. Duskblaze felt a constant burden of guilt on her shoulders, and sometimes wished she had been still borne as well.

when honeydust approached duskblaze and asked for training, duskblaze was astounded. the black she cat had been nothing but rude to her in their apprentice days, so honeydust now actively seeking help was a shock.

nevertheless, she agreed, and the two bonded over time as honeydust became stronger. 

duskblaze is unaware of how truly awful things are behind the scenes; she knows something is wrong with honeydust, but doesn’t know what. she never felt a strong connection to starclan, so the cutoff didn’t phase her. but she does not that she would do anything for honeydust and her clan