Iceborne (Species)



1 year, 5 months ago





  • PRIMARY NAME: Iceborne

  • OTHER NAMES: Frost Breather

  • LIFESPAN: 70-120 years / 280-480 seasons


  • BREATH WEAPONS: Ice, Frost, Snow


  • DIET: Seafood, Kelp, Berries

  • HOME COUNTRY: Tunisia

  • OTHER COUNTRIES: The Great Circle of Lands, Drake's Peak

  • HABITAT: Artic Desert, Tundra, Cold Mountains

  • TERRITORIES: Tunisia, Drake's Peak

Iceborne are large, the tallest of the dragon kinds. They are covered in thick fur, with feathers interspersed throughout their body. They can flare these feathers out, in order to appear even larger towards foes. Iceborne wings are large and feathery, similar in shape to that of a falcon. They have a second set of smaller wings on the tip of their tails, which are used for balance while in flight. There is a third set of even smaller wings just behind their ears, which are used to communicate emotion, and are also used in Talon-Speak, a non-verbal language developed by the Iceborne.

Iceborne are stealth predators, using their pale colors to track prey through the heavy snows of their homeland before killing. Despite their large size, their paws and fur make them incredibly silent.

Iceborne have a very deep empathic connection to others of their kind, especially those in close proximity to them. This emotion is what fuels their ice and snow, and if a group of Ice Dragons get too angry, they can experience what is called "Heart-Ice", a shattering explosion of ice that forces itself out, no matter what (or who) is in front of the dragon.



This is an example of your typical Iceborne

Iceborne can be colored in any shade of white, gray, or black. Their wings tend to fade from darker to lighter, and are usually a different shade from their body. Iceborne have curling rams horns that can twist in any direction, but are most often found as shown. They have feathers along the upper part of their legs, as well as scattered throughout their body. The ones on their main body are the same color as their fur, while the ones on the legs mimic their wings.

An Iceborne's eyes can be blue, purple, pale green, or black. An Iceborne's blood is blue, giving their extremities a slightly blue tint.

All Mutations are Compatible


A Shimmer-Wing is the exception to an Iceborne's grayscale fur. Thought to be born only in times of great danger, in order to save their haven from danger, Shimmer-Wings fur and feathers can come in purple, pink, blue, and green. Their feathers and fur will always be matching in color, although rarely in shade. It is unknown if there is any truth to the rumor of a Shimmer-Wing's being a sign of turbulation and the ability to overcome, however the island of Drake's Peak is home to an unprecidented number of Shimmer-Wings.

Shimmer-Wing genes can lay dormant in families for dozens of generations before re-emerging, and they can also pass from parent to child for several generations before hiding away again, even in the pairing of two Shimmer-Wing parents. It is incredibly rare for a family to have multiple Shimmer-Wing children, and is often seen as a sign of great danger.

Compatible Mutations: Monochrome, Speckled, Star-Wing


Speckled Iceborne have dapples of different colored fur scattered across their body, and their wings mimic these spatters. They tend to have darker spatters on lighter areas, and lighter spots on darker fur or feathers. This is not necessarily always true though. The amount of these speckles is varied from dragon-to-dragon, some having so many their fur appears to be in constant motion, while others have only a few on their face or shoulders.

Compatible Mutations: Shimmer-Wing, Star-Wing


While the most common offspring of a Shimmer-Wing and a Speckled Iceborn is merely a Speckled Shimmer-Wing, there is a rare chance of their child being something a bit different. A Shimmer-Speckled is not a Speckled Shimmer-Wing, which is a Shimmer-Wing who happens to also have speckles, but rather, something entirely different. A Shimmer-Speckled is, by lack of better definition, a Speckled Iceborne, for whom some of their spots of differently-colored fur is blue, green, purple, or pink.

Shimmer-Speckled are extremely rare, and can only be born of a Shimmer-Wing and a Speckled mating with each other.

Compatible Mutations: Star-Wing


Monochrome Iceborne are, as the name would suggest, one solid color from snout to tail. Their horns are also paled or darkened to match their fur color, and this mutation seems to also effect their eyes. Shock white Monochrome Iceborne are known for their pale eyes, while a coal black Monochrome Iceborn will have eyes so dark it's next to impossible to tell if they are a color, or black as well.

Compatible Mutations: Shimmer-Wing


Star-Wing Iceborne are incredibly rare...or at least believed to be. With Speckled and Hybrid Iceborn in existence, it can sometimes be hard to tell if an Iceborn (or Iceborne hybrid) is Speckled, or in fact a Star-Wing. Star-Wings have a jet black streak across their back, fading into the rest of their fur. Their feathers are also solid black, with small white speckles on the undersides like stars in the night sky.

Compatible mutations are: Shimmer-Wing, Speckled, Shimmer-Speckled


Iceborne are basically snow leopards with wings, and also l a r g e.

Iceborne were originally called Ice Dragons, and were one of the first dragonkinds to be developed for Drake's Peak. Their appearance today has greatly changed from the original.

The original Iceborne were scaled, and had leathery wings. They also were much smaller than Fireborne, about the size of a shetland pony.

Iceborne were once exclusively monochrome, back when they first because feathered and furred, but that was short-lived.

Iceborne originated on the continent Tunisia, in the Great Circle of Lands. Although much of antiquity is not recorded, we do know the names of several historical Iceborne, who made significant discoveries, these are: Hawk the Bright-Eyed, who founded the first Iceborne library, Everfrost the Conquerer, who captured a series of fishing outpost islands from the Waterborne during the Second Cross-Continental War. And finally, Leopard's Moon, Defeater of Plague, who discovered a cure for a deathly illness that had been affecting havens across Tunisia.

Other names have been recorded, but they can be found elsewhere (or will be revealed soon). There are two lines of history for the "modern" era- one found on the Great Circle of Lands and one found on Drake's Peak, but they share a united history.

Iceborn were a very isolated society, preferring to live in family "havens", sharing prey and knowledge, and sharing stories with havenlesss who would travel across the continent trading stories for food and shelter until they could find a haven willing to take them in.

Iceborne do have a Royal Haven, but it is mostly a formality, a haven used to communicate with the other continents and largely a figurehead, although some laws have come from the Royal Haven that took affect across Tunisia.

During the reign of Queen Snowflake the Lost, the Iceborne population suffered a massive blow, when all of the battle-able Iceborne left to attack the mage Tempest. Queen Snowflake was killed a while after the battle had ended, murdered by Drake for power and lifeforce.

Tunisian History

Although a few Iceborne were able to escape, along with the entirety of the Waterborne, Earthborne, and Lightningborne warriors, and few of the Fireborne, majority of the Iceborne's warriors remained trapped on Tempest's island. This left the Iceeborne of Tunisia greatly defenseless. If this had not been the start of the Great Era of Peace, then it is likely that the Tunisian Iceborne would have been wiped out.

Thankfully, with peace spreading out from Volcania and The Endless Sea, Prince Hurricane was able to weave the remaining havens together into a far more united country. From this point on, the Royal Family became less of a figurehead, taking on a more active role. .

The Royal Haven, with King Hurricane the Weaver at it's head, began to create proper cities, instead of homesteads, inviting multiple havens to live together and help each other, encouraging the sharing of resources, centering these cities around public locations that had always been havenless, such as libraries and trading ports.

Although Tunisian culture has never forbidden other dragons living in their lands, they began to actively welcome other dragonkinds to live in their cities, helping them to advance their culture.

Drake's Peak's History

When Drake took over Tempest's island, life quickly became very difficult for the Iceborne. They knew that their queen had died suddenly after the attacks ended, and Prince Wynter was stuck feeling lost. They would not be able to bring Snowflake's body back to plant in their haven's grove, which meant she would have to be buried on the island, but leaving her body was essentially sacrilige.

Thus, even when the Lightningborne urged Wynter to lead his kind home in the dark of night, he refused, trying to solve the problem of how to deal with his mother's body in a way that would be honoring to her and tradition.

However, four days after her death, Drake cast a memory spell on the island, erasing their memories of the Great Circle of Lands. Snowflake was buried, and Wynter helped the Iceborne to found a small town on one of the island's points.

Fifty years later, Wynter would be killed by Drake for leading a rebellion against the Fireborne, trying to free the Iceborne from slavery. The town was then officially named Wynter's Grove, for he had buried the first body in their grove, and he had buried every dead Iceborne until his own death.

The Iceborne continued to be born and die on the island, their bodies buried under the city's grove, their dying emotions fueling the growth of a giant tree that was later named the Forevergreen, for it never faded in its bright colors, even with the slight changing of seasons on the island.

The Iceborne continued to live in a town where the Grove and their own empathic abilities spread depression, anger, and despair. These emotions would press into the hearts of the Iceborne, eventually overriding the spell of acceptance that Drake had placed on the island 370 years ago.

436 years after the spell had been cast, a young Shimmer-Wing was born, who would eventually bring about great change to the Iceborne's fate.


Tunisian society has evolved quite a bit from the days of single-family havens living in the snow-wilds of their continent. Now, there are several large cities boasting upwards of 150 havens, and smaller ones that tend to range from 20-60 havens living within their borders. There are still some havens that live on their own, but most live in groups of 4-7 havens if they aren't in a city.

The Royal Haven lives along a mountain range, and are famous for taking in any havenless who are not guilty of crimes. If a dragon joins the haven and is discovered to be running from a crime, the punishment is...far worse, than if they had been charged of their crime before joining the Royal Haven. The Royal Haven is most common for taking in dragonets whose haven cannot support them, and training them to be able to leave the haven one day to found their own.

Drake's Peak

Drake's Peak society is extremely segregated towards Iceborne, and they work as slaves for the Fireborne of the island. A certain amount, a few days after birth, are chosen as "Selected" and forcibly muted in order to serve the castle. Roughly half of the dragonets this proceedure is preformed on die. Elderly Iceborne are incredibly rare, and are highly valued in the city. Selected are also valued while they are still young, and treated as well as the city can.

An Iceborne family group is also called a haven, there is no formal leadership, but the oldest members of the haven tend to make the decisions. Iceborne mate for life, Iceborne often die at the same time as their mate, dying of heartbreak and the extreme sadness that causes heart-ice to build up. Desceased haven members are buried in a Grove, where a plant is placed above their grave in order to spread their dying emotions into the haven, as the plant feeds off the Iceborne's body.

Arranged marriages are common among Iceborne, typically formed as unions between two havens. The stronger haven will take on the new Iceborne, or if both havens are on the weak side, the two will merge.

The most notable Iceborne laws are as such:

  • "Any dragon who forces another to keep heart-ice contained is to be killed by ice" - Penguin's Star the Level-Headed
  • "If a member of a haven kills the member of another, then the haven of the desceased is within their rights to avenge their lost kin" - Everfrost the Conquerer
  • "Any who practice Magic are to be put to death immediately upon discovery of their power." - Snowflake the Lost

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