


1 year, 4 months ago


Gender Male
Pronouns He/It
Age 8 Mill
S.O. N/A
DoB January 28th
Sign Aquarius
Species Cybertronian
Height 24ft
Occupation Racing Car

Outburst is an ex-officer turned Professional Racer and Rescue Bot. He's friendly, although mute, and enjoys hanging around the other rescue bots while racing around Griffin Rock. He doesn't like the violence of the war, and prefers to keep to himself when not on the road, but gets along well with most other mechs.

Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Leader Follower
Attitude Optimistic


  • Helpful
  • Observant
  • Polite
  • Insecure
  • Asocial
  • Weak-willed

. . .

Outburst was born and raised in Iacon, before eventually going to the police academy and joining the force. He never particularly liked his job, or working under the functionist council, but there really were no other options where he lived. When the revolution started, he did originally try to join the Decepticons, although that ended poorly when the Functionist Council found out, ripping out his voicebox as punishment.


When the functionist council fell, Outburst was taken in by the Autobots, originally as a prisoner. After learning of Outburst's involvement with the council and his offer to the decepticons, Dialtone took a particular interest in him, convincing the Autobot High Command to let Outburst work for them

Eventually, this led to Outburst to being trusted enough to be offered a position in the Autobots just as Sentinel was replaced by Optimus. he (of course) accepted this position, and was told to join a team of 'rescue bots' stationed on earth.

Rescue Bots

Upon arriving on earth, he was immediately shocked by just how clueless of the war the rescue bots were. He was also confused by the close relationship they had with the burns family, although unbothered by the weirdness of the island itself. He quickly got along with Blades and Boulder, although Chase disapproved of his racing habits and Heatwave was all around pretty unlikable towards him. Over time this was less of a problem as they bonded more, although Outburst still doesn't particularly like Heatwave.

He's occasionally worried about the state of cybertron and the war, but is overall content to stay on Griffin Rock with the Burns. (Although because he's a racing car he can't exactly be explained as an emergency vehicle or rescue robot, so he often gets benched unless they need some extra help or have to rush something.) Outburst is particularly a favorite of Mayor Luskey, mainly because he appeals more to the people of Griffin Rock as a race car.