Syraeth Vexaris's Comments

Hi, I was curious, what payment methods do you take? :0 I'm definitely interested in this baby, I've been eyeing them for like a month now fjdnsns!

we only take paypal ! ;w;

OHHH fantastic, that's also what I use!! In that case, I'm gonna have to go ahead and snag this guy with the rendered icon, please!! ;w; Little treat for myself before I have to do my college finals next week jkasfnds

Sure thing! send the 110€ to [email protected] and i will try my best to do the icon as quick as i can! Is there anything specific you'd like them to do in the icon? :D

Money should be sent! I'm in the US so please let me know if I got the conversion wrong lmao!! And I definitely want him to be smirking/grinning in the icon but aside from that I can't think of anything!! :D

around 5€ are missing but i think its okay cuz of conversion fees :3
sure thing, i will hit you up with a sketch as soon as i can!

1 Replies