Shadow Of A Star




Full Name: Shadow Of A Star

Nicknames: Shadow or Star

Gender and Pronouns: Nonbinary, they/them and he/him pronouns

Species: Tabaxi 

Class: Arcane Trickster Rouge + Great Old One Hexblade Warlock 

Occupation: Theif

Sexuality: Pansexual, Polymarous

Relationship Status: In a long term relationship, open to short term relationships

Type Specialzations: Fairy, Ghost and Dragon

Shadow of a Star was born in the Twisted Woods clan. He was born to a family of known merchants but in reality they're thieves and conartists who travel to cities to steal from the rich and bring those riches back to their clan. Shadow of a Star was named due to their coat coloring.  Shadow of a Star worked under their parents for years and grew to be a master thief- until he stole something he shouldn't. A tailsmen which called him into the great unknown. Being in contact with it for such a long period of time made them seen by forces beyond the Swords Coast. They took him as their own, marking him as their own by modifying their body and leaving a mark on their vaguely starmarked eye. This mark was seen by their family, however they decided to ignore it. The changes to Shadow of a Star was worthless compared to the riches they got. The tailsmen was sold for a hefty price, but it left a curse upon their clan. Everyone slowly became mad or got sick- kittens were born malformed or not Tabaxi at all. Shadow of a Star was unaffected by it all because he was choosen. They were jealous at the fact that Shadow of a Star brought this plight upon them, and casted them out of their dying village. 

Ever since then Shadow of a Star makes a living doing what they do best- thieving and trickery.