


6 years, 2 months ago


In our younger years, we fabricated an endless stream of hopes and desires. Do you continue to do so?


[ About ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque faucibus orci dui, nec accumsan arcu efficitur quis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec est magna, maximus in orci nec, pretium lobortis risus. Pellentesque vitae vulputate eros. Proin in ante et nisl aliquam laoreet nec at nunc. Pellentesque porta malesuada lectus, nec egestas augue lacinia sed. Aliquam eleifend ex quam, id facilisis massa laoreet ut. Mauris accumsan velit ac fringilla pellentesque.

Quisque at iaculis nisi. Vestibulum sit amet velit quis ligula lobortis volutpat. Duis at sapien convallis, posuere nunc nec, eleifend dolor. Integer placerat pretium efficitur. Quisque eros nibh, aliquam ac metus et, eleifend ornare turpis. Integer vestibulum dictum iaculis. Sed faucibus felis at pellentesque placerat. Cras dignissim nibh id diam placerat euismod nec id leo. Cras tincidunt lectus quis erat tincidunt, in pellentesque velit fringilla. Ut et urna quis justo malesuada laoreet. Duis sit amet risus at justo condimentum porta. Donec luctus facilisis nisl ut sodales. Vestibulum mattis rhoncus mi, in imperdiet sem elementum placerat.

Quisque at iaculis nisi. Vestibulum sit amet velit quis ligula lobortis volutpat. Duis at sapien convallis, posuere nunc nec, eleifend dolor. Integer placerat pretium efficitur. Quisque eros nibh, aliquam ac metus et, eleifend ornare turpis. Integer vestibulum dictum iaculis. Sed faucibus felis at pellentesque placerat. Cras dignissim nibh id diam placerat euismod nec id leo. Cras tincidunt lectus quis erat tincidunt, in pellentesque velit fringilla. Ut et urna quis justo malesuada laoreet. Duis sit amet risus at justo condimentum porta. Donec luctus facilisis nisl ut sodales. Vestibulum mattis rhoncus mi, in imperdiet sem elementum placerat.

[ Personality ]


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You can write more about their personality here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec hendrerit libero. Pellentesque sagittis aliquam orci id vehicula. In ut risus suscipit, aliquam massa nec, porta libero. Curabitur erat mauris, pharetra vel convallis eu, consectetur id diam.

[ Basics ]

AGE 100 Years

D.o.B. 30th Sun's Dusk | 4E 103

GENDER Male (He/Him)




BIRTH SIGN The Atronach

ORIGIN Archon, Argonia

RACE Argonian

RESIDENCE Riften, Skyrim




[ Story & Trivia ]

Yinz’r was born in 4E 103 in the dense swamplands of the Black Marsh. His hatching took place in Archon, born to a family deeply integrated in the works of the An-Xileel, a political party known to have driven back the Daedric forces during the Oblivion Crisis. His upbringing forced him into a role he did not want- making him a warrior and a fighter first. His skills were lacking, and he was soon to be discarded before his natural talent for the healing arts came to light. Shortly after, his little brother Xeirendocalithisareeth was born and the argonian doted on the new family member. Yinz’r wasn’t as involved in the An-Xileel as his brother was, preferring to be on the sidelines and healing their people more than waging war amongst each other. Of course, because of his heritage, the argonian never spoke of this and kept it to himself- rather having people think he was a weak coward than a strong healer who cared for the reptilian people of Black Marsh. When his brother disappeared, however, the Argonian feared for his life. He knew his brother was a skilled fighter- and the disappearance wasn’t something the other man would do.

The Argonian prepared for travel and set out to find his brother, to set aright the rumors concerning his departure. However, in 4E 156, Yinz’r found himself infected with the disease Porphyric Hemophilia. As an Argonian, Yinz’r thought himself to be protected from diseases, as it was a natural immunity. He had however heard stories of the anger of Peryite, and how the being of diseases had therefor spread this vampiric disease along the Black Marsh lands. Yinz’r attempted to recover from the disease, but with no further knowledge found and his health waning, he soon succumbed to it. Three days later, he was abducted from the life he used to know and taken to the home of the Whet-Fang vampires.

He passed, then. The disease becoming too much and fully converting him to the life of a vampiristic creature. His physique changed as his teeth became sharper, his eyes turning from their bright blue hue to that of glowing yellow and his coloration fading from its original copper brown to pearly white, the skin and scales around his eyes becoming tainted with black streaks. His magic dimmed and became tainted- what was once golden in color now became an icy blue. The other taught him the ways of the Whet-Fang, instructing him in the mastery of the magic school of Illusion, teaching him how to take over the minds of their victims and enslave them. Teaching him how to place them into comas and slow down their aging process- make them ripe for feeding. Yinz’r complied- what else could he do? He fed with them, moved with them, hunted and lived with them under one roof. Until he could no longer bear the life they had placed upon him. With struggle and determination, he broke free from his confinements and escaped the lair of the Whet-Fangs in 4E 166, ten years from his initial induction. The argonian used his newfound skill in Illusion to blend in, keeping to the areas where sunlight would not often hit. It did not bother him too much- the sunlight that is- but it brought an unnecessary strain on his shoulders when the man was distracted with the magic as it was. He kept himself on the down-low, only healing those where he could and trying to learn what had happened during his captive state. He took small jobs where he could, trying to control his vampiristic state. On his own, using the abilities he received from the Whet-Fangs, he discovered a way to feed from people without harming them much and giving them a cure disease potion before returning on his way.

In 4E 197, Yinz’r found himself captivated by an Aldmeri woman by the name of Korilia, residing in the city of Bruma in Cyrodiil. He found himself loving her dearly and told her of his secret. She was accepting of him regardless- and it was something that he had not felt in years since he had been changed. With the war in Cyrodiil having reached its close,Yinz’r asked her to move with him- towards Skyrim- to the town of Riften. There, he would build a house with her along the border of Skyrim and Morrowind, using his magic in Illusion to make it appear as if they were just an ordinary Aldmeri couple. She came with him and the two lived together- mostly unaffected by the Imperial/Stormcloak civil war. Though, as Korilia became to be pregnant, Yinz’r worried for both her and their child. They agreed that once the child was born, they would look into moving away from Riften once more towards an area that was safer.

In 4E 201, Nimenwe was born. Yinz’r doted his daughter, carried her close and loved her dearly. When he left for a weekly market run, his home was attacked. A stray, mad-driven were-bear found its way over the border and the activity in the home attracted it. Korilia fell in the attack, wanting to protect Nimenwe as the were-bear found its way into their house. When Yinz’r returned, he tried his best to keep her alive, though his efforts were futile. The were-bear had shifted back and had gotten close to Nimenwe, which triggered the protectiveness in Yinz’r, allowing him to shift into the vampiric form he had never used and ended the man’s life.

In the aftermath, he buried Korilia before taking Nimenwe and traveling across Skyrim with her, vowing to never leave her in a vulnerable position ever again. He has contacts here and there that take care of her when he needs to feed, but on other days he puts her safety as his priority.

  • Integer sed lorem vitae mauris feugiat maximus eu et sem.
  • Nullam nec tortor odio. Integer placerat pulvinar odio, non dignissim nisi laoreet et. Curabitur et bibendum massa.
  • Quisque ac lectus ante. Ut sed augue feugiat, blandit justo quis, venenatis nibh.

[ Relationships ]



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sed venenatis ante. Vivamus pharetra mi eu rutrum efficitur. Nullam vehicula nisi eu lorem vehicula tincidunt. Integer auctor ut nunc id volutpat. Mauris tellus neque, iaculis id pharetra ac, rutrum ut tellus. Proin dictum a tortor sit amet luctus. Morbi id suscipit orci. Quisque quis pretium enim. Aenean tincidunt libero at felis luctus faucibus. Ut malesuada dui eu mi dignissim, eget rutrum elit finibus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sed venenatis ante. Vivamus pharetra mi eu rutrum efficitur. Nullam vehicula nisi eu lorem vehicula tincidunt. Integer auctor ut nunc id volutpat. Mauris tellus neque, iaculis id pharetra ac, rutrum ut tellus. Proin dictum a tortor sit amet luctus. Morbi id suscipit orci. Quisque quis pretium enim. Aenean tincidunt libero at felis luctus faucibus. Ut malesuada dui eu mi dignissim, eget rutrum elit finibus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sed venenatis ante. Vivamus pharetra mi eu rutrum efficitur. Nullam vehicula nisi eu lorem vehicula tincidunt. Integer auctor ut nunc id volutpat. Mauris tellus neque, iaculis id pharetra ac, rutrum ut tellus. Proin dictum a tortor sit amet luctus. Morbi id suscipit orci. Quisque quis pretium enim. Aenean tincidunt libero at felis luctus faucibus. Ut malesuada dui eu mi dignissim, eget rutrum elit finibus.