


1 year, 7 months ago


✦ Title - Guardian of Healing
✦ Common Name/Nickname - The Moonflower
Significance/Meaning - Potential of Night
✦ Given Name - Shiranio
Name Origin:
✦ Shiranio [Shear-an-I-oh]
✦ Shirina - Hindi for night
✦ Io - Greek; Jupiter's moon and name of a figure in Greek mythology ('the wanderer'/'moon goddess').
✦ Rank - 7th
✦ Territory - Vita
✦ True Age - ~2800 years (*how long the Staff of Aesculapius has been used as a symbol of medicine)
✦ Age of Appearance - 28 years
✦ Physical Forms - Human with cat ears and tail (preferred) & leopard

One of the guardians currently residing in Vita.
He believes that pain and damage are inevitable, but so is healing given time. Healing is his purpose and a pure manifestiation of his soul, allowing him to overcome the effects of both his own physical deterioration and even assist others in their recovery. Thus, he is the oldest guardian who survived the calamity that killed all but three gods.
Although a guardian's power is the most limited amongst the immortals, especially in the ability to apply their power onto others, Shiranio has accumulated a vast array of medicinal and herbology knowledge from all regions of Congyro that he continuously passes onto his students and followers. He has been the most revered guardian in Vita and Corazón.
He is often seen around the deserts in Vita, and this is where most patients or their loved ones travel to seek his guidance. One can easily tell if Shiranio has visited another region because suddenly all the hospitals in the area are on vacation after the patients are healed some time within the night. No one sees him enter or leave, but the patients all speak of his caring and gentle touch despite the serious look on his face. Needless to say, anyone who gets sick in Vita are more than willing to visit the hospital.

✦ Plagued by a resting deadpan expression that prevents most people from finding out that he's actually very playful and friendly
✦ His curious nature has landed him with some interesting troubles
✦ Very touchy and will try to hug, but only if it's a friend. Will settle for resting his head on a shoulder or with his tail slightly touching somewhere he knows the person doesn't mind (like the goby-shrimp mutualism).
✦ Protective of his patients and loved ones
✦ Content with staying quiet
✦ Prefers spending time in the desert rather than in the city. Honestly, it's only because he likes his endless sandbox.

✦ He carries a staff that he uses mainly for defensive fighting.
✦ It is heavily inspired by the Staff of Aesculapius that belonged to the god of medicine.
✦ Shiranio can extend/shrink the staff at will and cause the golden snake to strike out like a cobra.
✦ The cobra's fangs contain venom. He can decide in an intant whether he wishes for the venom to be the victim's blessing or curse.