Jun Izanama | Cure Hope



1 year, 4 months ago


Jun Izanama


Cis Female (she/her)

Alter Ego
Cure Hope

Immortal Friendship Precure





"The Light of a New Tomorrow, Cure Hope!"

Jun is a very happy, go-getting person with a smile that is infectious. She loves to make others happy, and often puts others' happiness and wellbeing before her own. This can occasionally get her into trouble, as some people simply cannot be made happy. This can really get to her and sometimes even bring down her own mood. Apart from this however, she generally has a good outlook on life, although she can struggle to maintain it in times of hardship. She loves those close to her dearly and will do anything for them. She avoided making friends for a long time, but after becoming a Cure, she's make plenty and loves them all to pieces. She is loyal, and there are very few things - if any - that would get her to break that loyalty.

As a child, Jun grew up in a communal home. Her family and two others moved into a duplex and split the rent between them, thus making it easier for them since they were all low-income families. As such, Ume Yoshiko and Azami Akihito - the children of the other two families - grew up in the same house, making them more like siblings than traditional friends. Jun's father worked in a restaurant as a waiter and dreamed of making his own restaurant with her one day. She promised to make it with him, but he unexpectedly passed due to an illness when she was 10 years old. She fell into a dark place for almost three years, until Ume and Azami convinced her to join the Culinary Club in Junior High.

After joining the club, she gained a new passion for cooking and vowed to make a restaurant in his name. It has since become her dream, and she works toward it with everything she has. When the previous president of the Culinary Club graduated, he left it in her care, as she and Ume were the only ones left in the club, with the third-years having gone on to high school. On her first day back to school as Club President, she meets Jubilee, a fairy from the Everlast Kingdom. She learns of another world of magic and fairies, comfortin him when she hears about the loss of his home and mother during an attack by the evil Dark Land Kingdom. She defends him from one of the Dark Land Generals - Dusk - becoming Cure Hope in the process. Here, she starts her journey as a Precure.


  • Optimistic
  • Extroverted
  • Gentle
  • Hardworking


  • Cooking & Baking
  • Spending Time with Friends
  • Cute Things
  • Her Dad's Banana Bread


  • Jun is the de-facto leader of her team, as she's been a Cure the longest.
  • Jun's birthday is May 11.
  • The media dubbed Cure Hope as "the Pink Hero" before learning the names of the Cures.
  • Jun's transformation item is the Pink Everheart, which can turn into a magic Everheart Staff.
  • Cure Hope's tagline is "The Light of a New Tomorrow, Cure Hope!"
  • Cure Hope's attack style is tactful - she tries to disarm or distract her opponents before finishing them off with magic, usually assisted by her teammates.
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