Static Demon



1 year, 7 months ago


Closed species OC part of the Strixia world owned by

Species - Hellfawn

Name - Ų̸̮̼̞̠̟̤̠̹̝̥͖͍̊̉̀ṋ̶̮̰͕̳̣̹̽̋̅̊͊́̈́̇͝i̷͈̗̞̤̽͗͂̎̌̌̾̓̀̇͐̂͘ņ̵͕͓̜̲̠̥̪̰̖̞̠̪̒̅̀̚͜ţ̷̠͔̣̠̝̺̻͠ͅȅ̷̢̲̻̙͙̭̯̯̥̖͎̉̔ĺ̸͍̫̼̦̥̝̆͆͌̐͘l̴̗̮̙͋͜i̴̻̮̩̍̌̐̅̿̂͜ͅg̵̡͉̯̖̣̩̉̏̉ạ̵̢̩̪̙̺̳̪̩̖͕̾̏̋̈́̒͂͒ͅͅb̶̡̛̘̝͍̫̗̬̆̈́͌̃̓́̕̕͝l̷̨̪͙̫̣̠͚̭͇͉̺̓e̴̬͉̯̪̻̅̉̿

Nicknames - Ų̸̮̼̞̠̟̤̠̹̝̥͖͍̊̉̀ṋ̶̮̰͕̳̣̹̽̋̅̊͊́̈́̇͝i̷͈̗̞̤̽͗͂̎̌̌̾̓̀̇͐̂͘ņ̵͕͓̜̲̠̥̪̰̖̞̠̪̒̅̀̚͜ţ̷̠͔̣̠̝̺̻͠ͅȅ̷̢̲̻̙͙̭̯̯̥̖͎̉̔ĺ̸͍̫̼̦̥̝̆͆͌̐͘l̴̗̮̙͋͜i̴̻̮̩̍̌̐̅̿̂͜ͅg̵̡͉̯̖̣̩̉̏̉ạ̵̢̩̪̙̺̳̪̩̖͕̾̏̋̈́̒͂͒ͅͅb̶̡̛̘̝͍̫̗̬̆̈́͌̃̓́̕̕͝l̷̨̪͙̫̣̠͚̭͇͉̺̓e̴̬͉̯̪̻̅̉̿

Gender - nonbinary (he/they)

Sexuality - Demisexual (no preference)

Age - Old (age unknown)

Height - 12'0




- they can speak but any words that come out are hard to make out as they're drowned out by static noises

- they generate a constant soft hum of static

- they're deaf (as they have no ears) but they can read lips and learned sign language. They were not born deaf so they can speak too

- Their back tendrils can retract into their body

- Horrors may sometimes spill from their otherwise empty core. They try to keep it under control but sometimes it slips.

- They're incapable of looking crisp there is always a strange grainy static surrounding their edges. The static is animated.

- Their eyes and teeth are the only colorful things on their body. Both are white.

- their body is elongated to unnatural proportions and seems emaciated regardless of how well they're fed

- their feet are pointed and they have claws on their hands

- when taking photos of them they will corrupt the photos (corrupted photos gain a strange static around the edges and appear grainy like they've been irradiated)

- he has lips you just cant see them unless you're looking at his profile. he also has a nose

- his entire body aside from his eyes and teeth capture all light making them nothing more than a dark mass. You can only see the edges of them

- their body is actually longer than 12 feet but they can only stand to a full 12 feet in height. they tend to crouch down closer to 10 feet though in an attempt to seem less intimidating

- more TBA