Animatic/PMV Raffle - CLOSED



1 year, 3 months ago


image0.png Hello hello! You may remember that I posted something a little while ago expressing the desire to make PMVs/animatics for people - because this is very new territory for me, I will be giving away my first one completely free of charge!

*Note that when I say “animated” that these will not be hand drawn/frame by frame animated but rather tweened, hence the quotation marks.

I do not currently have any examples of my own, so here are some examples of what I mean when I say PMVs/animatics. Of course, I am not going to steal/reference/copy the videos listed below, I am just using these as examples for anyone still not understanding:

(With that being said, you can still check out my YouTube channel for videos I’ve done in the past - just please be mindful that these aren’t a great representation of what the winner will receive as these ARE frame by frame animated:

- x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x -

It is imperative that you have SOME kind of idea in mind for your music video. This isn’t to say that you must have a fully fleshed out script with every second of the video planned out, but you need to have SOME kind of narrative in mind, even if it’s somewhat vague.

Please do NOT enter this raffle just because you want free art lol. If I do end up picking someone who has no idea of what they want for a music video because they didn’t properly read the rules, I will just pick someone else.

Also!! Please bear in mind that your video will likely be a a snippet of a song, and not the whole thing. I can discuss the exact timings with the winner once they are picked, but please don’t expect a whole 5 minute video. Even 30 seconds of content takes several hours to make.


•First things first, you need to be subscribed to me to participate! New subs welcome, but please don’t unsubscribe immediately afterwards, that would be incredibly rude!
•Favourite this post.
•Repost this raffle.
•Comment below when you’ve done all of the above!


•Tag some friends! 10 friends max. (+1 ticket for each person tagged)
•Favourite some or all 4 of the characters in this folder! If you already have them faved, favourite a maximum of 4 other characters on my Toyhouse instead! (+1 ticket for each character faved. Non-characters and characters in my sales folder do not count.)

This will close on the 30th OF MARCH, so make sure you get your comment in before then!

- x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x -

Good luck! I’m really looking forward to making my first PMV!! I know this is very wordy but it needs to be so that people are aware of what to expect - but please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!