{Archived}'s Comments

Heya! Are these still open? :)

They r!!

:D! I have a voucher, they will tell you the payment is from me! 

Do you think you can do her? 

Asakku — The legs can just have knee high black leather boots, and the wings can just look like the old image! If you need more info about anything, we can pm! 

I definitely can!! Can you pm me and lmk if you want any poses in particular or if you want sfw or nsfw?

heyo, are you open?



would it be okay if i like.. linked you multiple characters and you pick the one that you wanna draw the most? i just have so many characters that would look cool in your style so i cant decide

Yeah sure!! You can either use toyhou.se pms or my discord is grim#3252 !! 

Are these open?? If not could I be added to the pinglist?

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Are these still availalbe? ♥

They are on hold for a couple of days ^^

Could I also be added to the ping list? ^^

Sure thing!! I'll add you rn :3

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Sure thing!! ^-^

I'd love to grab one when you reopen! :)

Just added!! Ty for interest ^^

ahhh if you have a ping list i would love to be added!!

Added!! <33

Do you have a ping list? I'd love to snag one when these reopen!!

Added!! Ty for the the interest:33

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I can absolutely draw them for ya!! Are you OK waiting a day or 2 before I get started?

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I would love to get one of fawn I don't mind waiting <33 

I can absolutely draw her!! And I will have to start tomorrow unfortunately, but are there any specifics you want for the Com? :33

Something lying down or sitting would be cool but honestly free range for whatever comes to mind !! <33

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I'm not doing art trades atm!! Apologies :((

I'd love to get one of https://toyhou.se/4291136.azul ! <3

I don't think I would be able to draw her clothing if u are ok with that? 

That's totally fine!

Then I would love to take ur commission!! Would you be ok if I started it tomorrow?

No problem! Please take your time I'm in no rush <3

https://toyhou.se/9387690.ducky#59876008 I would love one of my bean!!

I can absolutely draw them for u!! Are u ok with waiting until February 1st for me to get started on yours?

ya absolutely no worries at all!!

aa if possible I’d love to get one for this guy !! not looking for anything specific! maybe him just sitting is fine <3

Sure thing!! I'll dm u something rough in a little bit :))

Id love one of these for this girlie!! something sort of pinup style with a pouty look would fit her vibe, like a goth Marilyn Monroe 

I can absolutely do that for ya!! I'll message you a sketch in a few minutes ^^