Trivittata (Yellow Heart) (Brugmansia Sithole)



1 year, 4 months ago



Brugmansia is a wandering flower Maden who sells all sorts of rare flowers out of the back of her small caravan. As a Trivittata she knows the meaning of every flower and will always know just what flowers one needs for the right accessions. However this job doesn't pay the bills, her true passion and what pays for her expenses is by being an assassin. She will use deadly flowers to poison and kill her targets with her involvement being untraceable.


Growing up as a Trivittata, Brugmansia was taught all about flowers from her herbalist mother. Her mother would use flowers and flowering plants to try to help heal or numb the pain of those that came to her, however as Brugmansia learned about all the different plants the ones that really caught her attention was the ones that have dramatic effects, often being poisonous and deadly.

When she wasn't under her mother's watchful eye should would go searching for these potent flowers so she could test their effects on any wandering creature that happened to cross her path. As she got older, she even started to cultivate these plants in a hidden location a ways off away from her mother and the towns prying eyes. Whenever her mother sent her to other towns to gather the flowers and herbs she needed for her job, Brugmansia would also try to collect any of the dangerous plants she could for her own garden.

But her double life was not to last, as she got close pupation age her mother found out about her secret garden and was livid. To her it looked like her daughter was going against everything she had taught her about healing and helping others and so in a fit of rage she tore the garden apart, ripping every plant out and crushing every flower. Brugmansia watched from the sidelines, inside she was screaming for her mom to stop ripping up the plants she loved so much, however she stopped herself from saying these words out loud, instead choosing to watch as her mother tear up the plants. She knew more about these plants then her even her mother did as her mom considered them tabu to even research. So Brugmansia knew that her mother's rage would be the death of her as many of the plants that her mom ripped with her bear hands were poisonous to even touch.

Within a week, her mother had passed away in agonizing pain from the poisonous plants, her mother's herbs, and remedies, unable to do anything to stop it. Brugmansia was not sad that her mother had died, to her, this seemed like justice for the pain her mother had put her through. However, she did know that it was only a matter of time before the nabors and her town found out what had happened and would likely blame her for it, despite it all being her mother's own doing, some were already starting to murmur.

After coldly watching her mother be buried she bought a small traveling wagon and packed it up all the necessities she needed. Without looking back she then headed out of her hometown for a life on the road. She used the main part of her wagon to grow a variety of flowers, both dangerous and not dangerous, when they were ready to be harvested, she would pick them and sell them to the towns folk of the villages she wandered through. Sometimes she sold healing remedies made out of the flowers like her mother had, other times she would sell the flowers themselves to others for special occasions. She knew the properties and 'meanings' behind each of the flowers and so managed to only barely survive selling her wears. It was a rough life, but she made due.

One day as she was traveling between towns her cart was attacked by a small group of bandits. She managed to convince these thieves that the plants she had that were poisonous to the touch were actually quite valuable and they were the ones that the thieves should take. After grabbing the flowers, their bodies soon began to burn and they quickly and painfully died. As Brugmansia started to pick through the carnage before going on her way she ran into the leader of the thieves who hadn't touched the plants. 

At first she thought that he was going to kill her, but having seen what she was cable of he was impressed and offered her payment in exchange for her help taking out some of his foes. At first she just took the jobs because she was afraid that if she didn't then bandit leader would kill her, but over time she started to enjoy the extra money that it brought in.

She would sell extremely poisonous tinctures to the bandit captain who would then sell it to others in underground circles allowing her to keep her association with those groups to a minimum. However, on occasion, she would get paid an absorbent amount through the captain to take out one of their targets herself. Not only did her flower maiden outward appearance allow her to get close to most people, but she would always keep the most potent flowers to herself allowing her to secure her targets simply by giving them a flower.

And so nowadays she spends most of her time still wandering from town to town in her large flower carriage selling flowers to the locals as she waits for her close contacts in the underground to contact her and buy her hidden wears or her services. She lives for the excitement of using her carefully cultivated flowers to their full potential as well as experimenting to see just how lethal they really are. If you were to see her carriage it would likely bring joy, but deep inside it, it carries death.


1) If a PC (player character) wishes to play a game as Brugmansia her call to adventure could consist of her wanting to find new flowers and test their effects on unknowing participants. However, no matter what she does it doesn't seem to affect them. This could possibly be a small group of adventures.

2) Alternatively she could hear about a mystical flower but can only find its location with the aid of other adventures.

If no call to adventure is heeded then she will spend most her life traveling from town to town, selling flowers and selling poisons on the side. However one day she will be found on the road dead in her caravan from accidentally handling one of her plants incorrectly and being poisoned. She will then go down in history as a urban legend about a ghostly Trivitta who will poison people in their sleep.

Ideas for what you could draw her doing:
- taking care of plants inside her caravan

-grinding flowers up into poisons
-selling vials and powers of poisons to bandits
-putting poisons in someone's food
-selling flowers in the market/ selling sneakily to bandits in the open
-holding a basket of flowers
-buying new seeds
-picking wildflowers
-picking poisonous wildflowers with gloves on
-making flower crowns out of dried, poisonous flowers
-drying flowers to preserve them


song about her being a secret flower assassin.