


1 year, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Satorou "Sato" Hideo


157 cm / 5' 2" ft.




Train - Summons a steam engine train out of his hat (like a magician). One of those black vintage coal-powered trains.


Your average train conductor...


Personality: A serious, yet mysterious train conductor. He always seems to be in another place, in another time, never fully present even when spoken to. He is obedient to a fault and tends to accept what he's tasked too easily. Quite awkward when it comes to small talk.

Key Design Notes:

  • Eyes are pitch black, with a white iris, and a red ring around the lens
  • His hat is a very simple black cap with a gold rope around the base. 
  • His sealing scroll is just the word "s-e-v-e-n" (for good luck) with the letters rotating around. It doesn't have to be in any pattern as long as the letters are there

Background: He is based off "Kisaragi Station." He transports the living and cursed folk without any bias. When he was younger, he was pushed onto the train tracks. An old exorcist (granny) took pity on him... and sealed his soul to his form now (hence the seal on his hat, he used to keep it on his person hidden). It wasn't fully effective, so he ended up being somewhere between alive and unalive. Being in a state of limbo, kind of left him feeling disassociated; not belonging anywhere. Though, he doesn't really have any strong emotions one way or the other. He did military work, but always felt a strong pull back to the tracks; and eventually pursued transport studies after he finished his time. He found out he was cursed with a power after encountering some cursed humans attacking him, and the train from his hat came out as defense. He now rides his own train, which breathes and functions as a part of him, transporting humans and souls to their destinations, good or bad.

Fun facts:

  • Has insomnia