


1 year, 3 months ago

Basic Info


"You ever thought about killing a god?"


"Ha! I'm 'Mortal'."


"I'm not magic, the techniques are magic."


"Apparently I look like I lost my soul in the 30's."




"Also regular probably."


"A little goes a long way. And a lot goes a longer way." "If it bleeds it can die, and if it can die that means there's a way I can kill it. And even if it doesn't bleed, I can still find a way to kill it."

A functioning sociopath, human born with the soul of a demon, master of various combat techniques, probably wants to kill a god. He is neither magic nor psychic, and he often makes those who are feel either intrigued or ill simply with his mere presence. By all accounts he lives his life for himself, his actions driven by practical needs... or sheer excitement and joy. Doesn't often feel positive emotions, and shows them even less. Despite being a "terrible person" (according to himself at least), he has a tendency to give people advice they need to hear, but usually not the advice they want to hear.

He fights mainly on instinct, mostly using his fists, though he is not above kicking or biting people. While he (supposedly) has no special powers of his own, the combat techniques he uses often accomplish things that should otherwise be impossible, especially for those who are not magic or psychic. Like teleporting short distances and running on air. He says you shouldn't think about it too hard.

Physically, he's built like a Greek statue. He has straight, medium length hair, with a strawberry blonde colour. He has pale skin, as well as a trimmed beard. His eyes turn from a steel blue, to a blood red, to a black color depending on how evil his actions or intentions are.