Basic Info




god I love him. I love him so

note, for artists- 

*do not stress about getting the swirling markings perfect. it's okay if the placements aren't 100%, as long as it looks like him and isn't insanely off I don't mind :)

*his hands and feet have webs in between them, that's what the light green is.

*his tail can be shaped like the classic vaporeon fish tail if you'd like!

Marlin - He/Him

gay, demisexual

Delicately sweet and kind, a softie with a caring heart. He studies marine biology in college, and especially adores fresh water sealife. His love of fish comes from growing up, his family would have routine fishing trips that he absolutely adored. He wants to learn everything he can about them, and respects them dearly. Back home he has an elaborate fish tank, which his little brother is caring for while he's off to college. In highschool he was on the swim team, his webs allowing him to swim rather efficiently. Although he doesn't participate in the sport anymore, he still loves swimming. He treasures going home and spending time at the lake. One of the driving reasons he choose his current college was due to its vicinity to the ocean, which is where he met his bondmate aswell.  He's immensely romantic and incredibly loving, loving to display affection via physical touch and gifts. Marlin routinely gives his bondmate beautiful rocks and seashells he finds, along with paintings of the ocean he makes. He isn't a professional painter by any means, but he puts all of his love into his pieces.