Apollo Rebreanu



1 year, 4 months ago


I don't want to set the world on fire.

Apollo Rebreanu

[ About ]


Apollo styles his wavy black hair in a combover going over his head, however a few strands tend to dangle off the side of his face. Thankfully it isn't enough hair to hide his dark brown almond shaped eyes. His fair white complexion has darker freckles sprinkled across his nose and cheeks, and pierced into his lips are two snake bite silver rings. His attire is overall a modest style and is often in a range of black and red colors. With every collar his shirts have are gold cufflinks that make his silver bat collar tips much more shiny.

It was a beautiful fall day on September 1st in Brașov Româniaon when Apollo was born into the Rebreanu family, widely known for their wealth and public image. His father Atticus is a famous author who has written hundreds of books under the fantasy, horror, mystery and thriller genres, all of which are award winning titles. His mother Venus is a popular fashion model who created her own line of makeup, although after having Apollo she passed that responsibility down to someone trusted and with more time on their hands. Similar to his father, Apollo has a passion for writing, but he mostly writes about romance and thriller stories. All throughout his childhood, he wrote one story after another for hours on end, sinking himself into a reality that translated perfectly on to paper. Well, as perfect as 7 year old literature could get. He looks back fondly on these old stories and references them in the stories he writes in later years.During his academic years, his parents were adamant that he explore each and every extracurricular that the school had to offer(and also a way to save him from getting carpal tunnel). From learning a long list of instruments to playing on different sports teams, Apollo managed to do all of these things and retain the skills through daily or weekly practice. He quickly became a star student despite his busy schedule and he was adored by his teachers and classmates.

At age 12, he became an older brother to his sister Luminita. He absolutely adored her and enjoyed getting up to mischief the moment she could walk and talk. If he wasn’t writing his novels or tending to his scholarly responsibilities, he was spending time with her and the family. He published his first horror book titled “Massacre” when he was 17 and gained a lot of attention for it. From then on, he proceeded to publish more books ranging between romance and horror where his first romance novel was titled “Fairy Dust.” Everything was going uphill for him, but it all came crashing down when the family was in a terrible car accident. They all decided to go on a family trip before Apollo left for university, but a truck lost control on a flooded road and collided with their car. Fortunately, everyone survived the crash, but Luminita experienced the most severe injuries and was hospitalized for months. Apollo was plagued with worry and fear for the first few months, causing him to stop writing or practicing his instruments for all that time. He refused to leave her bedside or take care of himself properly, and he was stubborn about it until Luminita gathered up her strength to tell Apollo to go home. Despite her abrupt request, he was able to return home with a sense of relief and allowed himself to heal from his own injuries.

Once Luminita was discharged from the hospital, the family was reunited under a creative home for a while before Apollo finally left for university. He was sad to go, but his university experience allowed him to blossom even more as a writer and allowed him to graduate at age 21 with a masters in literature and creative writing. Some months after graduating and getting himself situated in his own home, he meets someone just as young and creative as he is and who would change his life forever.

[ Personality ]


  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Waltzing


  • Alcohol
  • Peanut butter
  • Venus fly traps


Apollo is a bit of a jester. Some would call him strange or random while others see him as whimsical. He’s very dedicated to his writing and works hard to produce well written stories for all to read. He’s very charismatic and enjoys being in the company of people he loves rather than a large crowd of strangers. He often views life through a rose tinted lens, trying to see the good in the worst of things if he can help it.

[ Basics ]

AGE 22
RACE Romanian

[ Story & Trivia ]

[DREAMY AU] Settling into a place of his own, Apollo was content with writing all sorts of novels and poems in the comforts of his office. In need of inspiration for his stories, he often wanders around his neighborhood or visits the beach late at night to think or jot down thoughts that come to mind. On one of his late night expeditions, he finds Asclepius relaxing on the shore. Amazed by his shimmering skin (literally), Apollo approached him for a chat. It wasn’t a long one since Asclepius was fearful of strangers, but Apollo was determined to speak with him and began visiting the beach often enough to get to know him. The most solitary hours of the night were no longer as lonely as they used to be for either of them. Through this, a strong bond formed between them and a beautiful relationship blossomed from it. The greatest surprise was having eight children with Asclepius, which Apollo loves his big family dearly.

  • He knows how to play... harp, violin, guitar, piano, cello, flute, ukele, steel drums, trumpet AND saxophone.
  • While he writes thriller and romance novels the most, his favorite genre is mystery.
  • He's not allergic to peanut butter, he just doesn't like it.

[ Relationships ]



Asclepius is Apollo’s husband. They had a bit of a rocky start, more so because Asclepius was skeptical of all strangers. It took him a long time to warm up to Apollo, but thankfully Apollo was determined and charismatic enough to be in the company he enjoyed. Instead of the traditional wedding rings, Apollo and Asclepius adorn matching necklaces. Asclepius wears a silver necklace with a crowned feather wing as a pendant while Apollo wears a black bat wing. When brought together, the wings are magnetically connected.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sed venenatis ante. Vivamus pharetra mi eu rutrum efficitur. Nullam vehicula nisi eu lorem vehicula tincidunt. Integer auctor ut nunc id volutpat. Mauris tellus neque, iaculis id pharetra ac, rutrum ut tellus. Proin dictum a tortor sit amet luctus. Morbi id suscipit orci. Quisque quis pretium enim. Aenean tincidunt libero at felis luctus faucibus. Ut malesuada dui eu mi dignissim, eget rutrum elit finibus.