hello, i've read the description, and i could offer some name suggestions for your character:

julius, damien, volatus, erik, herbert, gregory.

also, would you take art or $$ for this character?



Woah the oc so cool! Here all the names suggestions for them!: 

Zerot,Prine,Arlin,Selverton,Torrick,Arbin,Samir,Omar,Manjeet,Hafter,Polster,Ravi,luchi,Alcides,Xinque, Ambrosia,,Sparox,Othin,Triton,Ritan,Azoth,Cagliostro, Agnar,Baiwen,Lorenzo, Geirroth, Dvorak, Hayashi,Claudius,Alanis,Luciano,Lucian Vishanti,Kiosk,Callisto,Auric,Lismer

Going for: https://toyhou.se/19966720.free-bs-read-desc-pend#60503169. I love their design and have few kitsune ocs to be friends with them. 

Tysm for the opportunity!!! 

(If that char taken then i'll just going for: https://toyhou.se/19966720.free-bs-read-desc-pend#60503145)

I jus thought of alien or eldritch like names. Not sure of their meaning but uh yeah-

The linked dode does already have a name but if you got something for her

  Yeah i have some

 Freyja, Edda, Gatdula, Alrita, Morisette,Alicia,Alritia,Kritika,Anita,Kuloa,Perla,Azule,Avalonia,Meridian,Kitaru,Estrella,Luciana,Sabita,Liverie,Kakari,Fulla,Rita,Felinia,Melinda

hiya! im just wondering  is there a due date for this or is this close already?

I mean, technically, tho I do have more ocs that need names of you wanna take a crack at it

Aaa sorry for a late reply but sure as long as they have a description i can try





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Melancholy, Mono, Dả k̄hāw (meaning black & white in Thai), Kreatur (meaning creature in German), Kenó Efkinisías (meaning agility limbo in Greek)

Might've double clicked, it be like that sometimes

Ok but absolutely love Dả k̄hāw. The "-" on the a dose a funny but that's apart of it's charm shout out to Google translate lmao

Have your pick, which one of these Babs you want

Probably lol. Sometimes it doesn't look like I've clicked something yet. (Also yes the charm of google translate lolol)

Anyways! I like this funny little guy if they're still available: https://toyhou.se/19966720.free-bs-read-desc-pend#60503165

Edit: ah just noticed that it looks like they're taken! No one else interested me though, but finding names for others is so much easier than doing it myself. So I'm just happy I helped ^^

Na it's still available, I was just watching a movie 

Oh! Then I'll take em ^^

I know you said no animal-themed names but, Panda.

I do have a few that aren't animal-themed though! They're more themed around black and white things.

Static - like the kinda black and white TV static when there's like, no channel or it doesn't connect.

Monochrome - pretty obvious, it's just shades of a single color.

Salt 'n' Pepper - one is (not really) black and one is white.

Ink or Inky - I kinda just thought of it lol. 

Colorless - Since it's only black & white, no actual colors.

As a name i would suggest Atlas ( means “the bearer of the heavens” in Greek) or Dante (means “enduring”) or Casimir (can mean either “to destroy” or “world, peace”)

This is my entry for the lil raffle, i hope you like one :D

Ngl I am in love with the name Dante Casimir (are all the names Greek?) Been thinking on it for a while minute lmao, have your pick of one of the Babs here. I do have transparent pngs of them but it'll be a while before I can access them

oh thank you! i would pick the one that is also the profilepic! (the blue/white one with yellow eyes)

and Dante is an italian name and casimir is Slavic!

Oh word ok that's cool

Alrighty give me a moment & I'll send em over

Zync, Kyv, West, Westly, Noir, Namin, Evin, Victor, Nyx, Damian, Gunter?

Thanks for the chance and have a wonderful day!

Orion, Nyx (which means night) Kali (sanskrit for black) Brangwen (Welsh for black and pure) blanc (meaning white) or Yuki which means white and happy. Both are super cool characters thanks for the opportunity!! Have a great day

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