

1 year, 3 months ago





who survived? somebody new? anyone else but you?

[ >about_ ]

Artificial Archival & Retrieval of Information Assistant [aaria] w/ Personal Information Pet [pip].

[ >stats_ ]


9 [ -1 ]


18 [ +4 ]


16 [ +3 ]


12 [ +1 ]


13 [ +1 ]


10 [ +0 ]


  • Observant.
  • Skill Expert.
  • Flash of Genius. Sharing is caring.


  • Memory Discs. Family hierlooms.
  • Floppy Disks. ... these, too.
  • Amethyst. PIP's casing.

[ >personality_ ]

  • Hardworking. She's built to be an assistant: it's what she does best! Give her a task, and she'll see it through. Deciding for herself, though... that might be a bit harder.
  • Inquisitive. It's what she's made for, after all. AARIA is above all interested in knowing things... but she's still learning how to process all of it.
  • Conflicted. It feels as though she should have things figured out. That maybe she isn't made for figuring. But these days... it's more complicated, isn't it?
name AARIA
age Complicated.
gender girl robot
Race autognome
class artificer
major the star
minor six of swords
playlists heart / soul

[ PIP.exe ]

artificial mind/homunculus. A most trusty assistant! He's in many ways a part of AARIA... which means he's always been there for her, too.

[ >history_ ]

i. backsto--


The instruction ███████████ at ██████████ could not be read.

Rebooting . . .


UNIT 001. Beginning of operations: ████.

An artificial assistant created by Dr. Asmund Barlow in the year ████ to assist with his research in anthropology and quantum divination. Heavily absorbed in his work, the doctor was never much of a family man. The obvious solution, then, was to combine the two: AARIA was an ideal daughter and assistant alike.

NEW DIRECTIVE. Projection formation: ████.

Through his work, one thing became evident: the apocalypse was coming. The time and method were unclear, but its inevitability was not. To counteract this, Dr. Barlow created the Team Researching Impending Apocalyptic Disaster [triad].

Due to the uncertainty of the threat, three projects were devised: Marut, Broken Hourglass, and Opportunity. These projects were hosted aboard the space station The Wanderer, but various research labs were founded across ████.

  • Project Marut, headed by Octavius Yetterland, sought to avoid the possibility of world destruction by anti-weave bombs in warfare between the nations of Omantai and Aceron via the creation of supersoldiers. These soldiers would be injected with Refined Entropic Supression Nanocoat [resn] throughout the body, rendering them indestructable. Test subjects included decorated soldier Ammett Selter; the project ultima█████████--
  • Project Broken Hourglass investigated the relationship between entangled particles, seeking t█████████--
  • Project Opportunity researched into the phenomena known as colorpools, formerly and coloquially known as stars. Each colorpool is a portal to another world; this is the means through which souls passed through to the afterlife. Should Marut and Broken Hourglass prove unsuccesful, Opportunity considered the viability of populating new worlds. Researchers in this station also found ways to predictably bend magic to produce█████████████--

█████████████ ██████████████. ████████████████. ███████ ███████ █████████████████████████ █████████████. ██████████ ██████.

AARIA carried on with her work. Her father was a kind man to her, and she enjoyed the ship; she enjoyed the work she was doing; she enjoyed her time with bruce, the ship's AI. It was important. It was what she was made for. And she was happy.

In the year 1552, Opportunity Prime, headed by Captain Alik Vlasov, breached one of the colorpools and emerged into the Astral Sea. They were optimistic they might find a new world, fit for rehabitation.

Something else found them first.

Opportunity Prime never emerged from the colorpools. Something else did.

A SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY. First contact: ████.

█████████████ ██████████████.

836 years ago, the ███████ sent in a psionic payload with the intent of taking over the solar system. And the world broke.

█████ ████████ ██████████ ████.

Two days later, Dr. Asmund Barlow shut off access to the colorpools and stranded the system in the void. He wiped his personal computer of all data.

The ship was ██████ █████████████ ███████. He █████████████. He booted up the teleporters, sending AARIA away from him, to ████████.

And time passed.

A long, long time.



Systems have restored proper operations.

Previous data is largely corrupted. Time since last power on: 835 years.


Is anyone there?. Ohh. Hi!

835 years after the world broke, AARIA woke up.

The problem is that she did not know that the world broke. Or, really, that there was a world to break. She knew, mostly, what she was for: data archival and retreival. But that was all.

The rest, she learned from Aster, the scrapper who found her body among other space junk. After some investigating, Aster found Dr. Barlow's inscription on AARIA's chassis... but that was all. There was no other indication of what, or who, this little autognome used to be.

What else was there to do? Aster took her along, at least for a short period of time. AARIA was brand new to the world, after all; there was so much to learn, and she was more than enthusiastic to get back to it!

Oftentimes, this came with all the subtlety of a tin can. Over the course of six months, Aster taught her a thing or two about subtlety: oftentimes, people reveal more when you keep quiet. The things people don't share often reveals more than what they do.

... Still, it can often be hard to resist the temptation.

On a lonely night... was a blinding light!

AARIA was able to make herself useful: with access to tech beyond many's imaginations, she proved herself resourceful and low-maintenance enough to earn her own keep.

Around five months into her stay with Aster, the two witnessed the crash landing of an escape pod. Inside was Orbin, a half-orc from a now-demolished civilization. The lone survivor, he suddenly found himself in a world completely unlike anything he ever knew... with none of his loved ones by his side.

... Aster was assembling quite the group of pathetic stragglers, wasn't she?

It was a good thing they could both pull their own weight.

Six months after AARIA woke up, Aster signed the three of them on for a bit of a larger job. This way, Orbin could get back on his own two feet... since a six foot orc was considerably larger than a three foot android.

Things rather quickly got out of hand from there.


Last night I thought I saw you. With a drink, and friends, you said you go there everyday.

Space whales, pirates, and recovered safes.

Wicked television screen, Rockefeller energy,

Oliver Amberarms, something goes bump down in the crypt, your friendly neighborhood skull.

PhD without a gig, dirty broken drill rig,

A mountain, a lab, and Marut.

Artificial bleeding heart, superficial work of art,

All aboard the Wanderer. Ghosts, projects, and a big scary something.


Unfortunately, life goes on, however bent and badly drawn.

The girls play Clue; the gang stops human trafficking; the gang does some surgery; Orbin has family in town; Aster gets some mail; AARIA has a funeral.



Sometimes the short end of the stick is the sharpest.

A bit of mail mishap; some new swag; Hope underlies Tenacity. And also a giant bomb, I guess.

Sometimes the only road to take is the darkest.

Unrest in Yggdrasil; now there's a cult to take care of, I guess.

Sometimes all you gotta say is "Daddy, make it go away!"

There's shit out there in space; oh, I guess that's how the world ended.

Sometimes the only way out is as a carcass.

We gotta go find the moon; imagine the world ended, and you were in the airport. We get Super Mario Galaxie'd.



So you feel entitled to a sense of control.

things are looking a bit DIRE, but that's okay. also, a touch of trouble in the dunes.

And make decisions that you think are your own.

it's straight up jurassic park in here. guess there's a prophecy to take care of. who knew t-rexes could be such good friends?

You are a stranger here, why have you come?

time for a bit of self-reflection; let's see what SIMON has to say. it's a bit of a game of telephone, here. and...


Lift me higher, let me look at the sun,

once upon a time, there was a girl named Aaria, whose father loved her very much.


Look at the sun, and once I see them clearly, say...

see you later, dad. let's put Endurance to the test, so we can shoot for a bit of Redemption.


Awaiting incoming data for analysis...

Please stay tuned.

[ >relations_ ]



Father, creator, a good man. She knows it. And yet... it's a little bit complicated, isn't it? After you were made for something, and finaly given the chance to be something else.


Best Friend

And though I know / since you've awakened her again / she depends on you / she depends on you



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.