Brrakk Hanoss



6 years, 2 months ago


Name: Brrakk Hanoss
Moirail: N/A
Matesprit: N/A
Kismesis: Oshana Styyxx
God Tier: Seer of Time
Land: Land of Tricks and Ticking
Ancestor: N/A

Brrakk is a huge fan of Airrem Porant, to the point he spends most of his time writing 'self x' fiction about her. His work features a vastly out of character Airrem, which his biggest critic Oshana is always quick to point out. He also spends much of his money commissioning artwork of Airrem, however he is very protective of it and does not allow artists to post it, and has the folder password-protected on his husktop.

Brrakk has a pitch crush on Oshana, as he enjoyed her negative attention greatly before their meeting in person. After getting beaten up by her, his pitch crush developed a bit more, as he hates her domineering personality. His crush only grows after Airrem becomes moirails with Oshana, as he dislikes her spending more time with Airrem, though he begins writing slash fiction of the two soon after.

Brrakk is considered by most to be disgusting in both personality and in physic, being very out of shape, having greasy hair, wearing an old hoodie and smelling of Thrax body spray. His biggest fear is apparently a shower and clean clothes and linens. He is prone to doing the anime glasses flash when talking about his interests and is known to mansplain constantly, especially about Airrem and slash fiction.