Asire Astier



1 year, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Name ||

Asire Astier

Age ||


Gender & Pronouns ||

Female | She-Her

Sexuality ||


Status ||


Species ||


Occupation ||

Winery Owner


What do you mean I spooked you?

Not much is known about Asire Astier, not even what she looks like - She owns a successful Winery Business in Graycott and hired a young woman to play the role of her. Only a select few know what she actually looks like, which is part of her carefully concocted plan to not frighten any potential customers. Besides the Winery Business, she's secretly involved in the Narcotics Trade that has become notorious in cities like Villeurcourt, but she doesn't only do business in neighboring countries, no, she does business all over the world and acts as a sort of "middle man" for buyers (and sellers) from all over the globe.

  • Her Mother was a Vampire and she grew up alone with her. She never met her father, and only knows that he was a demon who left her
    Mother once he found out about the pregnancy. Her Mother died when she was still young from an unknown illness, she still visits her
    grave to this day.
  • She is very stoic and private, she is only willing to have a full conversation if it's about Business. She appears to be cold and Arrogant but
    in reality, she can be quite self-conscious as people around her tend to be scared of her appearance.