Samuel / Basura



6 years, 3 months ago


Samuel is an investigation consultant as a day job; helping the cops solve cases such as murder, kidnappings, and so on. He usually wears cologne, his suit permanently smelling of the cologne now. Samuel is very caring too, part of that coming from the job and talking with families of victims and any victims that survive whatever was happening.

At night Samuel takes on the persona of Basura. Basura is an artist who mainly uses spray paint as his medium and his paintings can be found around the cities he travels to. Not many know who he actually is, since most people only have gotten glimpses of him. Some know he is a Bone Eater, others know his scent, but very few know everything. Basura as a result remains mainly just a name to the paintings, earning a reputation for not only his art but for the mystery of who he actually is. Ama actually knows who he is since she caught him on security video when he was painting on the side of the RibCage and she figured it out.

Samuel swings by the RibCage whenever he is in town, and the most recent time Ama convinced him to look into Meichin’s case.

He drinks LOTS of coffee, practically lives off it. The coffee makes him a bit hyper, if he doesn’t have his coffee he’ll become very tired and will probably ending up finding a spot to take a nap. He can almost be found with a cup of some kind of coffee drink in hand. If you should find him napping, don't even bother trying to wake him unless you brought him coffee. The stronger the better but he'll have any kind of coffee drink available.