
1 year, 3 months ago







Healer Apprentice

8 moons

Fav. Food





A skinny, weak-looking, scruffy smokey-gray tom with lime green eyes and black tabby markings. He smells of crushed berries, fresh grass, and dust.

Voice Claim: Dallas Reid as Isaac Foster (Angels of Death).


Firpaw is grumpy, constantly grumbling under his breath or glaring at cats that have particularly pissed him off in the past. He holds grudges like a champ, and he tends to run off of bitterness and spite. He seems to hold contempt for just about everything; there are some cats out there that'd speculate the only thing he doesn't hate is his favorite prey, mouse. He likes to keep to himself and he doesn't have very much patience — he'll snap and snarl at cats if they get him angry, bedside manner be damned.

He is entirely willing to start fights with those that get on his nerves despite not knowing how to fight, and as a result, has gotten pummeled into the ground before some other cat steps in to save him. His stubbornness doesn't help with this at all: if he thinks he's right or someone else is being unreasonable he won't budge on his position. Even though he's a sickly healer apprentice, he carries himself with the bravado of a gruff senior warrior who doesn't have the patience for his unruly apprentice. He has little to no patience and doesn't enjoy dealing with curious kits and energetic apprentices, and he'll keep away from them as much as he can. One of the biggest reasons he's good at his job is so that cats will be in and out of his den sooner and leave him alone (and he thinks that being a healer is actually useful as compared to being a warrior, but that's beside the point). His capacity for friends isn't very big, either, but he'd allow them to do just about whatever they please — as long as they don't touch the herbs he SPENT ALL DAMN MORNING ORGANIZING, THANK YOU (on that note, he cusses a lot). While he'd consider these cats his friends, he wouldn't want them hanging around in his den for any longer than necessary and would shove them out if he had to. He'll put up with more resistance from them than anyone else, but that doesn't mean he wants them around constantly or have them always spending their time with him.

He isn't opposed to using dirty tricks, such as slipping herbs into meals, to get cats to eat their medicine and get treated just so that they'll be out of his fur faster. He doesn't have any patience for stubborn cats who try to get out of his den and back to their duties before they're ready, and he tends to treat those cats like kits that are too stupid to take care of themselves. He's blunt when he speaks and is unafraid of how cats might react, and he’s done with other cats’ bullshit the day since before they started on it. He doesn't like interacting with other healers very much, and he tends to just let them chatter on about whatever while he tries to pretend that they don't exist, pushing their chatter to the back of his mind and making it into white noise.

He has no interest in romance; in fact, he calls it gross and disgusting, and will often kick mates and courtmates out of his den with a scowl on his face. Firpaw is quite a bit weaker than the cats around him, and at times, this can get on his nerves. He prefers to be independent, but he can't exactly be that if he needs help lugging cats around or trips around the territory to gather herbs end with him winded and exhausted halfway through.


Firkit was born to a pair of perhaps too-doing parents. He was sickly and weak (something that never really improved, despite numerous dips in the hot springs) and his dam was fiercely protective over both him and his sister. Firkit found this stifling and would snap at her, but she never backed down from it. His sire, though, was positive that he and Pikakit would become great warriors, and with age or enough exercise Firkit would gain strength and stamina for the job (spoiler: it would not). Often, he would push him to get into playfights or other games with his sister, despite him never showing any interest in them.

He was far more interested in pestering [healer] in [their] den. Opheliaheart was relieved he would be safe and Shrewtail surprised that he was interested at all, but both were supportive.

The White Death happened when he was six moons old, and both his parents died in it, leaving him and Pikapaw orphans. Once he was apprenticed to [], he has been putting his all into his training: a good distraction from the new empty space in his life.


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