Jettison The Shark



1 year, 7 months ago


Name: Jettison Pearl

a.k.a.:  SharkByte (Online Handle), Jet Stream (Nickname)

Summary: A NoMo variant of Jennifer from KJR's Anthro World. In this reality, Jettison is a skilled mechanic, with a bit of a swimming hobby. She not only fixes cars, but she also likes to use some old tech to make some gizmos and gadgets. And when she's not doing that, she likes to teach herself some swimming lessons. She hopes that one day, she can create something so big and grand, that it'll wow everyone and mark her in history. But for now, she continues to scout in junkyards, finding some more tech to tinker with. 

Personality: Jettison has a bit of a mad scientist attitude. She loves working with tech, and can get a little reckless with it. The fire department are practically friends with her. And when she's not an eager beaver, she's also quite amorous when she's in the mood. Often flirting with folks to hopefully get a quick one, either top or bottom. But beneath that prideful exterior is someone who wants validation. She wants people to see that she's good enough, that she can make amazing tech or indeed be pretty. Her robotic tail did give her some internal conflicts. She's good at hiding it though, and only Switch knows about it. She is doing her best to overcome those thoughts. 

Sex: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Present Occupation: She works as a mechanic at her own place. She offers fixing cars, phones, tvs, and other technology. She is really good at it, although she can get carried away and add some unnecessary features. She also has a bit of a swimming hobby, usually small swim classes or competitions for a wuick buck on the side. 

Currently Residing: Westopolis

Features: Ever since a freak accident that resulted in losing her organic tail, she now dons a robotic replacement. This tail is capable of enhancing her swimming skills, while also being a sort of a third arm for Jettison. She also has, let's say, other intimate features with it. 

Likes: Scrap (Omochao Buddy) - After getting the hang of tinkering, she made her first robotic invention out of Omochao scraps. He has been with her for years and always had her back. Be warned though, despite looking cute, it can be quite the troublemaker.

Flirting - When the mood strikers her, she likes to tease folks. Either by small pick up lines or using her wiles to catch people's attention. And sometimes she does get a night with one here and there. When she's horny, she's very horny.

Tinkering - She loves building stuff out of scraps for fun. Often coming up with new ideas or concepts that come to mind. 

Dislikes: Messing with her tail - Many years ago, she lost her tail from a freak accident. That moment still haunts her, so it's a very touchy subject. If you mess with her tail or make fun of her for it, you better have a medic on standby. 

Talking trash about her tech - She loves her tech work. She considers a lot of her creations her babies, and she doesn't like it if you tamper with them or call them lame. She gets pretty upset. 

Dissing her looks - She prides herself with her looks. She often shows off her curves to flirt a bit. So if you ignore her or call her ugly, she gets in a pissy mood. 

Skills: Swimming - She's a very skilled swimmer, especially with her robotic tail. Often reaching high speeds and make a lot of amazing swimming poses. 

Inventing - With the right motivation and tech, she can build stuff really well. Maybe even fast enough under the right circumstances. 

Strength - She may not look like it, but she has quite a bit of muscle on her. Having to swim under water pressure and lifting some heavy equipment can do that tto you. She can take a few punches without much issue. 


Switch the Madcat- A long time friend of his. A well known gamer that likes to hack his games. She likes to tease him a lot, knowing it can get on his nerves. But she values his friendship and even hooks him up with extra tech or info related to games. 

Beacon the Ant - Another recently made friend of hers. He is hot headed, but does mean well. She and Beacon get along pretty well. With the only barrier being technology. Beacon is not into fancy gizmos, so he doesn't get excited towards Jettison's tech. 

Holo-Niki - A fast friend of hers.  Once was an ordinary AI made from MeteoTech, now given new life after Switch's grand adventure. Jettison gets along with her rather fast. Seeing that she helped out with Niki's new life, she grew intrigued by her AI tech and wishes to replicate it for Scrap. 


A Shark Tale: When she was young, she used to be a very skilled swimmer. Pulling off moves and tricks like no other. She loved swimming a lot and would spend a lot of time training herself in becoming better. That is until one day. She wanted to challenge herself and see how far she can swim. She did do a decent job, but then a freak accident costed her tail. While distracted at how far she went, a lone crab trap snatched her tail and severely injured her. Thankfully she survived but her tail had to go through heavy procedure. She ended up getting a new tail that is completely robotic. She can still swim, but she can't be as reckless as before. In other words, basically become a lifeguard. This hit her really hard and fell into a deep depression. She also grew self conscious about her tail, having anxiety about how others feel about her tail. She hated her robotic tail a lot and wished to get her real tail back. It all seemed hopeless until she encountered Switch. He didn't fear her or grew disgusted by her tail. In fact, he though she looked really cool and wanted to learn more about her tail. She was surprised by how kind he is and how he didn't treat her like a freak. The two ended up bonding and became good friends. Often hanging out and enjoying each other's company. Switch managed to help turn her situation, saying that she should embrace the tail and turn it into something bigger. Jettison never realized that and decided to take his word for it. She started to learn about tinkering, trying out new ideas and concepts. She found a new passion that got her out of her funk. She and Switch would often collab a bit, which is how Switch started to learn how to hack. It seemed nice for the two.

Farewell: Sadly, it didn't last. Some time later, Switch had to move away due to going to a new school. So he had to say goodbye to his friend. Jettison was pretty saddened by this, since he was her only childhood friend. He helped her turn her life around. Switch promises to keep in touch and that they meet again someday. His last message in person was "Continue being confident and proud of yourself." She was left alone once again, but this time in a much better state. And as the years go, she became a much more skilled inventor. Even invented a new buddy of hers out of scraps, who she funnily named him after. He was just a simple Tomogatchi that ended up being an Omochao. She studied hard and worked hard. She finally found a new passion. 
