Ayu (Main)



6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info




(last checked: September 05th 2023)
Quiet when alone, but makes a :) face when she sees someone.
Ayu and Haruka are very close friends. Haruka is Ayu's favorite everything.

Likes bunnies and have an interest in frogs too. Doesn't like wearing outfits not chosen by herself.
Ayu reads a lot of books. Ayu's eyes is too sensitive for screens, so she doesn't watch TV or use a computer or smartphone. Ayu doesn't miss them.
Despite liking fluffy stuff in general, Ayu doesn't show much interest in plushies (aside a plushie of herself that Ayu unintentionally stole from Sakura(Ayu got too overjoyed with the idea of a mini-Ayu)), as Ayu seems to prefer giving attention to the "real deal" instead.
Sometimes Ayu's mood may seem random, but Ayu doesn't try to disturb other people, so, when Ayu is seen angry, Haruka doesn't seem to mind since this is usual, will end soon and very likely Haruka will never learn what Ayu was thinking at the moment.
Ayu doesn't hold grudges. Ayu doesn't overthink stuff. Her mind when alone is almost always "empty" (like in a meditative state).

Ayu is currently studying and working part-time (informally) for a bakery. (Spoiler about her future: Ayu is not the type of person who will have a steady job. Ayu will keep changing it as an adult).
Ayu likes sweets but only eats them sporadically. Ayu's favorite sweet is Taiyaki. Ayu doesn't like artificial sweeteners.
Ayu made popsicles to give them to random people one time.

- Abilities -
Being an "angel" (people with white hair and red eyes), Ayu can choose when to active her "X-ray vision", being able to see everything other people carries, and what their abilities may be (by looking at their soul)
Ayu's abilities is white small papers. It was supposed to be colorful confetti but Ayu can only make them white.
Ayu has magical super strength, like every Warrior-type character in this Universe.

- Other -
For Ayu's past self form, see: Ayu(Red hair)
For Ayu's alternate (in-)universe form, see: Ayu(Purple hair)