Caravel Fischer



1 year, 7 months ago


Caravel Fischer
terror of the sea

Name Caravel Fischer
Nickname Cari
Age 26
Pronouns He/him
Height 6'2
Species sea serpent
Occupation unemployed

Caravel was born a human, to a seamstress mother, and sailor father. He has one siser, 11 years younger than him, though he never got to know her well, seeing as he spent most of his time on his fathers ship, and she was significantly younger than him. One day when Caravel was still just a teenager, about 15 years of age, he was on his father's ship, travelling to Ukrovia. They were transporing goods from Orthos, as part of a pre-determined trade deal. The sea was calm, the weather was good, so no one was expecting the rogue wave that hit them, and capsized their ship. Caravel was thrown into the water, but with his injuries, there wasnt much he could do. As his aching muscles gave out, young Caravel closed his eyes, and submitted to a watery death. Only, that wasnt the end. He woke up on the shore of a nearby island, unharmed, but filled with a maddening hunger no food seemed to be able to satiate.
Still, life went on. Having no other skills, or experience, Caravel found himself work on another ship. His hunger grew, until one day, the pain became so unbearable, he passed out. Next he woke up, he was on another beach, only his hunger was gone. This happened two or three more times, only eventually he woke up in the water, his ship, now smaller in size, below him, torn apart and destroyed. He'd transformed into a sea serpent, and sank the ship, he realised. At first, these events were involuntary, happening when his hunger got too much to bare. As time passed, though, and he realised nothing else would satisfy him, he began to delibirately seek out ships to sink. He posed as a human boy, looking for work- he gave them sob stories of his parents death, how he had no home to return to, how he knew nothing but the sea... which was to an extent true. Once on them, he transformed into a sea serpent, destroyed the ship, and devoured the crew. As he grew, more "fish-like" features began developing on his human form, making getting work more difficult. During these patches of time when he didnt have work, he turned to the bottle to keep him warm during the cold nights outside, and calm his hunger. When the tavern was closed, he waited outside it, or checked the boards for when the next ships were going to arrive.
He spent his years like this, into adulthood. His connection to his mother and sister was none, and work was almost impossible to find. He'd lost his eye, he was starving, and had been outed as a serpent to all of Orthos. He was at the lowest point in his life, when Oides found him. He took him under his employment, gave him a place to live, and all the ships to sink he could ever want. Life was good, until he was assasinated. Caravel was kicked out of the castle, and forced to live out in the wilderness.

  • alcohol
  • fish
  • flesh
  • poachers
  • being far from water
  • fire
Major injuries

Caravel has two missing limbs/organs! his eye, and arm
  • he replaced his missing eye with a large red ruby
  • his arm is severed just under the elbow
  • doesnt matter which side is which, so long as missing arm and eye are opposite sides

after many years of sinking ships, caravel's gained a few mighty battle scars!
  • his scars litter his whole body
  • A common way he wouldve got them were harpoons, slashing from swords, cannons, and even other serpents! So, a lot of piercing, bullet hole looking scars, and bite marks
  • His scars directly translate from human, to serpent, and vice versa. damage on his arms and legs, is translated as damage on his fins

Caravel isnt exactly the most fashionable fishy :,)
  • due to the fact he cant enter the city, and buy clothes like any other normal person, he has to try steal clothes from his victims
  • This often results in clothes not fitting him the best
Franz Kafka Songbird

After the king died, and some further events, Franz ended up living in Caravels cove, to much of his dismay. While Caravel at first also didnt find this too convenient, he ended up developing feelings for him

After being recruited by Franz, Giolladhe also moved into Caravels cove. Though he admires his strength, he doesnt think all too highly of him in wny other regard

Caravels younger sister. With how young she was when caravel was transformed- or died, as far as her and their mother knew. she does not have memories of him, but he does of her. Upon finding out about what actually happened to her brother, she lost all imterest in trying to rekindle the relationship