Romeo's Comments


The winner is crayola_crow! thanks everybody for entering!

I faved 3 and maybe Artic Fox or Gecko

Faved this character, and 3 more (hope you don't mind I faved 4 since I did like 4 of your characters) also I suggest maybe a saint Patrick's or kind of a 4 leaf clover raccoon? Or maybe a spring black jaguar?

Faved and faved 3 more! Maybe hyena or some kind of dinosaur for the next raffle?

Firework faved // Rabbit-Dragon

Faved this, Juniper-Noah-Spots. // Cloud leopard?

Faved this one plus 3

A sunset or sunrise pair of adoptables would be cute, species could be sharks

Entering! I faved this guy + three of the linked characters! Also for some suggestions, maybe a sleep themed sheep / ram or a witch themed raccoon !!

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