Cedric Cowell (Cedric & Ash)



Ash & Cedric


Cedric Cowell

33 / Male / Male

professional kind insecure
Status Together
Nature Romantic
Bond Strong
Chemistry Strong
Since 6+ Years
Theme Great, Cool

Ash Rice

33 / Male / Gay

persistent adaptable infelxible


First Meeting

The first time Ash (at the time Magne) and Cedric met was when they were both six years old - Cedric's parents came over to welcome Ash's family to the neighborhood because they were direct neighbors. Little Cedric was more than happy to find a new playmate and Ash was over the moon to realize that he got to skip all the awkwardness of trying to make friends, there was one right next door for them. The two instantly were off playing in Ash's backyard despite the fact that Cedric's parents told them they had to leave soon and Ash's said he still had a lot of stuff to unpack. The two of them couldn't be separated for any kind of reason because there was an instant bond formed by being two six year old boys that lived next door to each other.

Relationship Dynamic

Okay, listen, it's complicated, all right? The relationship that Ash and Cedric had was one based very firmly on friendship - they've been best friends since childhood and it only made sense that when they decided to start dating people, they dated each other. It was a good relationship that had a lot of give and take. The problem with the relationship was it might have been too comfortable, which lead to assumptions. Get an uncommunicative dumb dumb and an evasive dumb dumb and put them in a room and what do you get? A couple that knows how to wildly hurt each other and doesn't know how to apologize. Best friends can hurt each other better than anyone else in the world sometimes and honestly, neither of them know how to apologize. They're attempting to get back to how they were, but wounds are still fairly raw and it's hard to forget the hurt.




  • Neither of them deleted the other's phone number - even if they had, they still both remember each other's cell phone numbers.
  • Cedric only calls Ash 'Ash' when he's mad at him; usually he calls Ash 'Magne'.
  • Ash calls Cedric 'CC'.
  • While they don't have kids, Ash wouldn't be the most adverse to having them.