


1 year, 4 months ago




The Duckling Pokemon!

  • Name  -->  Sunni
  • Pronouns   --> She/Her
  • Role   --> Partner 'Mon
  • Height   --> 1' 10"
  • Weight   --> 13.2 lbs.
- Sassy ---- Impetuous and silly -

Sunni is appropriately named - she's a cheerful little Pokemon who's stuffed to the brim with boundless energy and who can't stand to see her friends sad. Not even for a second! As a result, she's become a bit of a clown. Sunni is always tripping over herself on purpose, dropping things intentionally, making dumb jokes, and generally doing whatever she can to keep the team's spirits up! She loves to sing, she loves to dance. It seems as if she's always humming a little tune to herself! On the flip side, Sunni has a competitive streak a mile wide and will NEVER back down from a challenge. It gives her a powerful drive in battle, and leads her to always keep bettering herself. Winning gives Sunni a thrill like no other! It's almost an addiction.... Unsurprisingly, her desire to make her friends happy sometimes comes up against her desire to be victorious. In these cases Sunny is extremely conflicted. On one hand she wants to win - badly - and doesn't want to pull punches. On the other, she knows it would make her FRIEND happy if THEY won. So, wanting her friend to be happy, Sunni wants to lose, and doesn't think she should give it her all. But... she also wants to win! Friend after friend has tried explaining to Sunni that it's ok, and she SHOULD go ahead and give it her all! If they lose they'll still be happy because SHE'S happy, and if they win it'll be all the more special because they'll know they beat her fair and square! On some level Sunni understands this. And she's gotten better about it. bit by bit! But it still makes her feel horrible to win in a contest against a friend. She'll end up sulking about it almost as much as she does when she actually loses!

  • Ability   --> Torrent
  • Hid. Ability   --> Moxie
  • Moves:

    NormalIC_Big.webp Helping Hand

    Picross_FairyIC.webp Disarming Voice

    WaterIC_Big.webp Water Pledge

    FlyingIC_Big.webp Acrobatics