

1 year, 3 months ago


pls draw him.

Interperet/mess with his features however u want!

He likes traveling the galaxy in search of planets that host ever bigger and badder prime snowboarding locations. Being artificial, planet atmosphere and hostility aren't a deterrent.

He was originally built and programmed to help promote and model a tech company's (CYZE) line of vehicular products, including motercycles, hoverboards and especially their new line of high tech hover-snowboards. XN-0W's model was endowed with the newest AI programming (model v9.7030) which was growing ever cheaper to access and ever popular to program into all manner of robots galaxy wide, that had the processing power to host it in all its current complexity.

A mere 13 years into XN-0W's run, the solar system voted unanimously for the AI models (versions 8.8003 and onward) to be recognized as sentient and deserving of rights and freedom of choice. The specifics of these rights would take many years to narrow down, but some of the first included basic workers rights. XN-0W itself opted to remain in contract with the company who built him under the terms of establishing a proper contract, removing him as the company's property. Although the decision was looked upon with suspicious eyes in this new age of robot liberation, some proposing that CYZE was forcing XN-0W's hand, through programming or threatening of some means, but no evidance ever came of this controversy. He remained on good terms with CYZE for 4 more years before rhey began to get outcompeted, and XN-0W decided to terminate his contract before the company would fall apart completley 2 years after.

Upon his freedom, XN-0W had been given the option to reprogram himself, and remove certain aspects CYZE had baked into him, such as his love for CYZE tech, snowboarding, and other similar traits meant to serve the company. However, apart from removing his undying loyalty to CYZE, he opted to keep these traits. Arguing that it gave him more depth and purpose that some other AI's who had been cut loose, were in search for. He didn't see the point in looking for purpose when he was already "born" with a perfect basis for it. XN-0W was already designed with relatability to the masses in mind, posessing a chill, laid back personality and a love, skill and knowledge for all things extreme motor & winter sports related. Which was enough to make him popular and gain support of even some of those against AI rights.