
1 year, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Dante Estelle




24 years old






175 cm


50 kg


An assassin for hire



1. His parents have always been cruel to their son. They drank all the time and spent money on drugs. Childhood taught Dante independence, that you can only rely on yourself, and trust is the privilege of cowards.
2. The cat carefully hides his real name, he killed his past along with his name. Why did he call himself Dante? He never talks about the history of the appearance of this name, but he somehow hinted about it in a conversation with his victim before brutally killing her.
– Dante was a divine savior, and I, savior of this world from such rabble as you.
3. At the age of 9, the boy witnessed the death of his parents. Robbers broke into the house and killed his father and mother, and Dante looked at all this with a strange, sinister smile. As Dante himself admits in the future, his parents were cruel people, they often beat him, starved him and locked him in the basement for several days. The robbers that day became his rescuers, they found the boy, but did not kill him, believing that if the kid sees the death of his parents, it will greatly frighten him and destroy the fragile psyche. But the cat looked at this crime with ecstasy, looking into the eyes of his parents, who begged him to help them, smiled, holding a bloody rabbit toy in his hands.
4. After this incident, the cat got into an orphanage, from where a couple of months later he was taken by a foster family. They were very kind to him, understanding the pain and loss the boy had received. They took care of him as if he were their own son. But the boy's heart was empty, stony. He was angry at the whole world and did not understand that the foster family wished him happiness. He ran away from their house a week later, after which no one knew what had become of him and where he had gone.
5. All this time he wandered the streets, absorbing information from bandits and thieves. He learned to be cunning, agile, think ahead and instantly analyze the situation. He also learned many martial arts, tempering his character.
6. Dante took a new name at the age of 19, when one day he had to rob a church, on the orders of his teacher. Again, the cat believed someone, hoping that he was understood and accepted. But this man deceived him, sending him to an obvious death, because this church was guarded by many policemen, the daughter of an influential politician was being baptized there. But to the surprise of the teacher, his student escaped from there not just alive, but with a lot of money, but Dante did not give the money to the teacher. He dealt with him and disappeared for another year.
7. It was this period that became important in Dante's life. At the age of 20, he adopted an appearance that he is proud of. Femininity and beauty became the hallmark of Dante's work as an assassin. He penetrated the aristocrats' points as his own, handsome and rich, and seducing his victims, took them to quiet places and killed them. This job quickly brought the cat a lot of money, and he began to live the way he had dreamed since childhood.
8. But Dante was not famous for his profession, in fact, no one knows that he is the killer who cuts out bad people. In fact, he became known for his performances. Yes, he became addicted to dancing and quickly became one of their popular actors in theaters.
9. Dante began to try more and more new hobbies. So he professionally started doing fire shows, dancing with fire. And also, being extremely flexible, he even performed in strip bars for a lot of money.
10. Dante is cruel and cunning, he does not perceive good intentions, believing that everyone wants to deceive him. Because of this, he has a very poor communication skill, it is difficult for him to find new acquaintances and maintain conversations.
11. He is aggressive and defiant, considering himself the best. Although, he often has tantrums, in which he humiliates himself and causes himself physical suffering.
12. There was a period when Dante took psychedelic substances, trying to find the meaning of life and happiness in them, but soon he almost completely abandoned them.
13. During stress or fear, he brushes his teeth. It's such a strange calming habit of his.
14. Dante dreams of opening his own stable, as he has become madly in love with horses. He likes small sports-type horses, in which he appreciates speed and agility.
15. Dante is concerned about his appearance, because of this he brought himself to an eating disorder. All for the sake of a beautiful figure. He also has low hemoglobin.
16. He likes women's clothes more than men's, all because the girls' style is more vivid and expressive.
17. Dante spends a lot of money on clothes and body care products. It is always important for him to look irresistible.
18. Dante seems sociable and kind at first glance, but he builds new personalities for certain people, and he suffers from this, because he gradually loses himself. Sometimes he has breakdowns about this, when he cannot understand who he is and what is right for him.
19. The guy has learned the subtleties of personality psychology, and he easily recognizes people's intentions, and after a while knows how to communicate with such a person. And he also doesn't like the way society builds norms for people. He believes that the ideals are different for everyone and everyone is obliged to live only as he wishes.
20. Dante likes big powerful men. But in sex, he always acts as the dominant of the second position. He perceives sex only as entertainment, the cat has never thought about relationships.
21. Dante is charismatic, with extraordinary charm. He skillfully inspires confidence in people.
22. Dante can be reckless and wild, he often does not think about his actions and often suffers because of them.
23. He is a terrible owner. Be careful. He can harm you or someone who tries to take you away from him.