
6 years, 30 days ago


Sleep just isn't sleep anymore... It's an Escape.

【 Name 】 Ezra 【 Gender 】 Female
【 Age 】 Unknown 【 D.o.B. 】 June 5th
【 Relationship 】Single 【 Sexuality 】 Bicurious
【 Species 】 Tigress

【 Temper 】

【 Empathy 】

【 Patience 】

【 Affection 】

【 Courage 】

【 Maturity 】

【 Intelligence 】

【 Politeness 】

【 Work Ethic 】

【 Humor 】



Ezra is a pretty lazy Tigress. She tends to spend her time at her local pub, where she's well known for being a bit easy, as well as drinking others out of house and home. She loves beer and tends to drink her fair share daily at the expense of others.

She is most often seen naked, though her fur is thick enough to hide anything that would be inappropriate.

Ezra does not own a home, instead she lives within a dug out den, much like a wild canine would. The bottom is lined with straw and the walls with stones and clay to form a stable living space.

She most often looks only for sex, and has no want or need for an actual relationship. Though she becomes extremely clingy with smaller creatures, often acting almost motherly to them even during a fling.

She keeps her fur well kempt, often brushing it either with a boar hair brush or her claws. She becomes extremely docile when being groomed, losing her temper.

In her Feral form she is often seen trying to get close to the village children. Some parents are quite wary of her, while others know she is indeed harmless. She becomes sweet and mellow around children or cubs, and longs for her own dispite her extremely low fertility.


❤ Being in the Nude

❤ Beer

❤ Oversized clothing

❤ Vegetable juice

❤ Sex

❤ Small Creatures

❤ Cubs and Children


X Wearing Clothing

X Being ordered around

X Sweets

HTML by lowkeywicked